touch pt. 2 (bakutodo)

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He was the last one Shoto went to.

The first night he had gone to cuddle with someone, was when kiri found him and insisted. Next day he bragged about it to the Bakusquad. Word spreads like a wildfire in class and eventually everyone knew.

Shoto was beyond embarrassed when he found out that the others found out, but he was glad that they didn't judge.

Or.. most of them didn't at least.

"How old are you todoroki, you still need someone to tell you bedtime stories?"

Said an annoying voice with a lisp, clearly mocking the younger.

"They're not your parents."

And that was when mineta knew, he fucked up.

The class avoids talking about shoto's family, especially his parents, as much as possible, knowing it was a sensitive subject. And there was not much to talk about when it came to it, shoto's replies would usually be a single yes or no, or he'd ignore the conversation all together.

Needless to say the girls had a very fun time teaching mineta a lesson.

Bakugou was strangely silent during all of that.

Soon, Mr. Aizawa walked in and everyone quickly settled down for class to begin.

As weeks past, shoto would occasionally go to cuddle with one of his friends at night, when he had a particularly bad nightmare. The lucky chosen person would talk about it the whole day after, it kinda became a big deal.

Everyone had made sure to reassure Shoto that they were not AT ALL bothered by his visits to their dorm room.

All except one person.

Katsuki didn't think Shoto would want to anyways, so he never invited.

However, his mind was changed one day when deku came to class beaming.

The green haired boy was so excited to tell his classmates about how he and todoroki had gotten so much closer after their conversation last night. And, deku being deku, started mumbling about assumptions he had about shoto based on what he's learned.

Bakugou being bakugou, started feeling competitive. He wasn't even sure why, deku and todoroki where definitely closer friends than he and todoroki were. They were more like companions, often finding themselves in situations where they'd just hang out.

They were usually just doing their own thing, but it was nice having the company of another person.

Bakugou and todoroki never talked about it, but their silent communication was something they've gotten used to.

They both knew, that just having the other around gave them both the peace of mind they needed.

And being heroes in training, and some of the most powerful ones too, they trusted each other.

Bakugou knew that there was no way he could be easily kidnapped again with todoroki around.

Shoto knew there was no harm that could ever be brought to him when Katsuki was in his presence.

But even with all of these reasons, bakugou had never had a certain younger male knock at his door at night.

Until one day, he found the younger outside his door.

It had been a particularly rough day for Shoto. His father had really been keeping him on his toes with all the events he demanded shoto's attendance at and extra training.

He was exhausted.

And he didn't have much of an appetite either, so he'd skipped lunch, only having a small dinner at night.

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