that's not love

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It's been weeks since anyone had hung out with Shoto outside of school.

That's because, he has a girlfriend now.

Endeavour decided it was about time to do something else to put attention on shoto publicly. He firmly believed that not only was Shoto useful for being a hero, but also an idol to many others.

By that I mean the boy has fans.

Not surprisingly as Shoto was very obviously attractive, and had proper mannerisms and charms to sway anybody.

So Endeavor thought it would be a good idea for his popularity to set his son up with another popular person.

She wasn't a hero of any sorts, but she was attractive. Born in a wealthy family and had a pretty good reputation.

No, shoto didn't have a choice to refuse.

Her name was Ayaka.

She was kinda a spoilt brat. Not that anyone else knew. She knew that the Todoroki's popularity was something huge, and she had seen the way Shoto acted infront of his father. She could tell that when a decision was made, shoto couldn't do much but obey it.

So she took that to her advantage.

The public loved those two as a couple, always saying how good they looked together and how sweet they were. Only shoto knew how ayaka acted behind closed doors.

She would make him buy her stuff, even though she had the money to herself. She would take him out on dates, just to complain everytime he'd do anything even just slightly not to her liking.

It was exhausting to have her around, and shoto's classmates could tell.

The poor boy never had any time to himself anymore. Being the introvert he was, it was definitely taking a toll on him mentally.

Once, when it got especially bad, ayaka had slapped him.

Even before her hand landed on his cheek, she saw the way that he flinched. The scared look of a child temporarily taking place in his eyes.

She had never felt so powerful.

And especially to have that power over a todoroki.

It had been a month since ayaka and Shoto started dating. Shoto was rarely ever seen at the dorms anymore. Safe to say, all his friends missed him.

Even bakugou, but he'd never admit it.

When Shoto came back that night, everyone made him promise to hang out with them the next day, as it was a long weekend.

'I want to.. but I don't know if I can. Ayaka might want to go out tomorrow.'

The class looked annoyed at the mention of her name. They weren't jealous or anything... just unhappy because Shoto didn't look as happy as he had been before the two got together.

'She's not the boss of you Shoto, you can say no to her if you want to.'
Said momo, with a strict look on her face.


'Well? We don't have all day!'

'Okay fine, I'll tell her.'


Hello, I will be busy tomorrow, I
cannot attend out date.

Why shoto? What's more important
than me🥺?

Sorry ayaka.

Fine. What are you doing then?

I'm staying at the dorms at
school with my friends.

Your friends? Who? Are there
any girls?


You're not allowed to hang out
with them.


Because I said so you idiot.

Ijsnsh  too bad lady
Shoto doesn't belong to you
He can hang out with whoever he wants
It's none of your business
Fucking extra

Shoto what the hell?!
How dare you talk to me like that?!

You have muted this contact

'Guys, give me back my phone!'

'No! Why the fuck is she talking to you like you're some child who can't handle themselves?!'

'She's going to be angry..'

'So? Let her be angry! She deserves it for how she treats you.'

'..but then she's going to take it out on me...'

Shoto says so quietly, the others almost missed what he was saying.




'What the hell does that mean?!'

'It's not a big deal. And it's not like I can do anything about it, i can't hurt her.'

His friends aren't idiots, they've already caught on to what Shoto meant.

'But that's not love Shoto. If she treats you like that, you shouldn't be with her.'

'We're going to figure something out icy-hot. This isn't good for you.'


'No. I don't care. What's your old man gonna do? Hit me too? I wanna see him try.'

He wasn't wrong. Bakugou too was pretty well known in public. Everyone had seen him from the sports festival, just from that, he had gained a strong fanbase overnight.

Long story short, ayaka was exposed for treating the youngest todoroki badly behind doors, and was never seen near him again.

Bakugou made sure of it.

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