you can do the splits?

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(Art not mine. This one was inspired by my hc that he can do ballet. I have a bunch of head cannons and I wrote them down. I've published a book of head canons I have of of the mha student. Check it out if you guys want!)

"Let's get going guys! I'm so excited to see what you guys got!"

To say mina was excited is an understatement, she was elated to introduce her friends to the world of dance! It was a few weeks before the music festival and honestly, she was just using this as an excuse to see people dance. The ones she was looking forward to the most were bakugou and todoroki. That's why she was taking them to her dance studio. She was a regular student there and all the teachers liked her upbeat attitude. So naturally, when she asked for a spare room, they easily agreed, even asking her if she wanted help teaching her friend. She nicely declined the offer, saying she just wanted to play around first.

She had been waiting for this day all week, and now it was finally here! All the planning they did to find a day where they were all free paid off.

She rushed all her classmates out the door of their dorms after they changed. It was a short 10 minute walk to the dance studio, mina rambled the whole way there about what she wanted to do.

"First we're gonna stretch and warm up! Then you guys can show me anything you know about dance, and we'll build on from  there!"

Her friends smiled at how excited she looked, even bakugou wasn't complaining.

When they arrived, mina greeted a few people she they bumped into. They looked slightly older. She later explained that they were students from a more advanced class she was in. There was nobody at the counter in the front, it didn't matter though, she knew where the keys were. After a while of fumbling around, she led them to a large room in the back of the studio.

It was two times the size of their classroom with mirrors covering two of the walls. There were also bars on most of the walls and a large window on the wall facing the door. According to mina, it was usually a room for acro classes. But they haven't had many acro dancers sign up in the past few months, so now it was free for whoever wanted to use them.

They started off with stretching, mina leading the stretch of course. The two people she was thinking would struggle the most were actually better than most of the class.

I didn't think this was in their element. Is there anything those two can't do?

she almost wanted to roll her eyes. The people in the class who kept up the best were bakugou, todoroki, midoriya, tsu, aoyama, and ojiro.

I get that ojiro does karate and aoyama does yoga and tsu is just flexible but... what's with those three? Oh whatever, I'm gonna show off a little😜

She smirked as she went into some more advanced stretches such as backbends and stuff, but was even more surprised when she saw the three keeping up with her with ease. And the rest of the class were shocked too it seemed, from the awed looks on their faces.

Midoriya did not inform us that he was flexible.

Bakubro is so cool! He can keep up with mina!

Seriously did not think todoroki would be good at this. He looks stiff a lot of the time.

Who would have known someone as stoic as todoroki could be flexible?

The thoughts came from their classmates, slightly from a place of jealousy. The girls were shocked that the boys would be so good.

"Okay you three! Since you're so good, let me show you some hard stuff! Follow me!"

She dropped into a split right in front of them. Some people had their mouths open as she did it so suddenly. They dropped even further when all three said boys copied her exact move.

"Hah! You thought you did something there didn't you raccoon eyes! Well ya didn't!"

They were all speechless. How- just how?


Shouted Kaminari, finally breaking the shocked silence.

"Since forever dunce face. Why d' ya look so surprised extras? You thought I couldn't do it?!"

"What about you deku-kun? How did you do it?"

Asked uraraka, still in awe.

"Well... my mom signed me up for karate and gymnastics when I was little. It just stuck with me I guess."

Deku blushed as he answered.

"Okay fine, that's fair enough. But Todoroki?? Why- how do you know how to do the splits?"

Mina inquired. She asked the question that everyone wanted the answer to.

"Yeah todoroki-kun!" Momo started, "Where did you learn that?"


The answer was one that nobody could have seen coming.

"I used to do ballet."

The room was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. It lasted a few seconds before it was interrupted by.. bakugou laughing?

"Bwahahahahah! Icyhot you..!" He said between breaths, "..DID BALLET?!"

the rest of the class didn't know what to say. They didn't know what they were expecting exactly, but it certainly wasn't this.

"Yes I did. I stopped going to class when i got into UA to focus on hero training."

"But why though todoroki?" Asked ojiro.

"My father said it would make me stronger. It comes with many techniques that I could use in my training to become a hero."

The laughter stopped.

"So he.. made you do it?" Asked jirou.

"That's not very nice of your 'father'." Said shoji. He was always one to stick up for his friends, and from what he's learned, he did not like Endeavor.

"At first, it was to please my father. But I started liking it the more I did it. I started when I was three, and I've been doing it ever since."


Everyone thought in shock. Even bakugou was speechless. That must have been brutal to start at such a young age, especially if you didn't have a passion for it to begin with.

Todoroki didn't know what to do to snap people out of their shocked daze. So, he walked over to the bar on the side and started demonstrating what he's learned. He thought maybe they didn't believe him? So he started off with a few kicks, then moving on to jumping. He did a split leap at some point and it seemed to do the trick. His friends started clapping and cheering him on. It was a little embarrassing for todoroki if he was being honest, but he did miss dancing. After a few more leaps, he stopped and bowed instinctively.

Some were still in shock but most started clapping for his performance. Mina might have been the most shocked out of them all. Mostly at how good his technique was. He doesn't just know how to dance, he was a dancer! Just like her! And a really good one at that.

She silently walked over, it was kinda eerie to see mina so quiet. She stopped in front of todoroki for a second before looking up.

The look on her face was perplexing. She looked angry? But her eyes showed respect in a way.

"How could you not tell us you knew how to dance?! And ballet at that! That's one of the hardest styles of dance out there!"

He flinched back a little at the outburst. Then started laughing to everyone's surprise. Everything he did seemed out of the ordinary today.

It didn't matter. His rare laughter brought a smile to his friends' faces. They were glad to know more about the ever so mysterious shoto todoroki. He was a wild one. And they were just starting to get to know who he really was.

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