to save her

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Run... run faster. Save them.

Shoto ran as fast as he could through the tunnel. He was here on a mission with some of his classmates. It was supposed to be practice for the future. They were supposed to be facing a minor villain, one that should have been safe to take on. But nothing ever seems to go the right way for this class. The villain had back up and led them right into a complex cave system. The class was splits up within the tunnels, and the villains were constantly attacking them.

Shoto was with uraraka at first. He'd just recently lost sight of her. Somewhere in the darkness of the cave, he could hear her calling out for help. But he couldn't get to her.

Why is it that I can never do anything right? Why can't I help my classmates? How am I going to become a hero when I can't even protect my friends?

Suddenly, he thought he saw light. A way out. He shouted out for his friends, anyone who needed his help, to come his way. That they had a way to escape.

Somehow, most of his classmates were together. They used Jirou's quirk to find him, and they met up where Shoto had seen light. Slowly, he helped his classmates out of the cave. However, one person was missing.

"Where is uraraka? She's not here?"

Just as the Mina asked the question they were all wondering, a cry of pain rang out somewhere within the cave, along with he sound of falling rocks.

Shoto didn't have time to think, he bolted off in the direction he thought the cry had came from. He could hear his classmates yelling for him to come back to them. He ignored their fading voices as he kept running.

The damp and dusty air burned his lungs as he reached deeper into the cave. He squinted his eyes in an attempt to find his friend, only to be rewarded with a terrifying sight.

Uraraka was stuck under a pile of boulders as a villain stood over her. He whispered something into her ears, at which her eyes seemed to widen in fear. He left her side as he descended toward the young boy. With a horrible smile on his face he lunged at shoto, who barely dodged the attack.

The villain was striking at him with his claws, swiping the air each time he missed, making a small sound.

I have to get uraraka out of here. She shouldn't be here in the first place. It was my fault I left her alone. I have to save her, no matter the consequences.

He felt around on the ground, searching for his friend. He gasped in relief when he felt her hand, and it gripped back.

At least she's still conscious.
He thought.

The villain swiped at him again, except this time, he seemed to land a hit on the youngest todoroki. Shoto hissed in pain as his skin broke under the villain's claws. He felt a hot, burning sensation running through his veins.

"Ahh yes. I got you now. That girl wasn't worth my time anyway. Now, you can die slowly, and painfully." The villain walked away with an evil cackle.

Shoto groaned. He still had to help uraraka. He used the last of his strength to create ice under the rocks, pushing them off of his female classmate. She had to have at least one of her ribs broken under the pressure of those rocks. But he was glad she was okay.

" u-uraraka. Can you use your quirk? Can you move this rock?"
The male asked, pointing at a large rock over their heads.

"I.. I can do it!"

She shakily lifted one arm, standing on her tiptoes, and reached for the rock. Shoto watched as she tried her best to use her quirk, but his vision was fading.

She did it. And she got the rest of their classes attention. Pretty soon Shoto could hear their concered voices coming closer. But the pain was becoming unbearable. He felt as though his insides where being ripped apart, and soon, he fainted.

"Todoroki?! Are you okay?!"


"Oi icyhot! Don't you dare close your eyes!"

"No! Todoroki-kun! You can't... you saved me!"

Those were the last things he heard.

(Should I make a part 2?)

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