Eri? (shintodo pt.2)

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It has been 2 weeks since Shoto moved in with the Aizawa/Hizashi family. Things haven't been perfect, but Shoto was definitely more happy and grateful to be with them.

There have been a few times where Shoto was confused with how the family acts.

For one, their house was a lot louder than he was used to. Of course it was, with Mic waking them up early in the morning by having a whole concert in the shower and having karaoke nights every night. Aizawa would often scold him whenever he made Shoto flinch with his tone and volume.

Shoto also wasn't accustomed to not getting punished when he made mistakes. Aizawa had to explain to him multiple times that what he was doing wasn't wrong. Things like eating snacks, having fun, even just speaking were things that Shoto thought he should not do. It made the original residents of the house furious to know that he wasn't just a polite kid because he wanted to be, it was because he was scared of acting any other way.

Lastly, he was confused whenever they told him to talk about himself or his feelings. He had no one to talk about that kind of stuff before.

One night, shoto had a nightmare. It woke up shinso, whose room was next to his. The older of the two had just fallen asleep. It was 4 in the morning, when he heard it. Shuffling and panicked breathing from the other side of his wall. The insomniac rubbed his eyes as he sat up from his bed to go check out the noise. In the hall, he noticed the sound coming from the inside of shoto's room. It made his heart ache a little to hear the youngers quiet whimpers. He was no doubt trying to silence himself. Shinso didn't want to scare the boy, so he knocked on the closed but unlocked door to let him know he was coming in. The crying noises ceased for a second while the door opened to reveal a teary eyed heterochromic boy. His cheeks were flushed and stained with tears, shinso thought he looked adorable. No matter how bad the circumstance, the older considered himself lucky to be able to know the vulnerable side to the perfect Shoto todoroki.

After a few moments of his gaze lingering on the youngers face, shinso moved over to the boy to sit down next to him on his bed. They didn't say anything at first, but shinso moved slowly to pull Shoto into a hug. He felt his shirt get wet from shoto's tears, and he let him cry his heart out on his shoulder. Minutes went by of shinso just sitting there with Shoto in his arms. He stroked the dual coloured hair slowly, calming down the other.

"Well.. do you wanna talk about it?" Shinso asked with Shoto practically sitting on his lap.

Shoto shook his head. It was just another nightmare. One of the bad ones. But it wasn't like he wasn't used to them. Talking about them wouldn't make them go away. For now, he was just glad shinso was here, even if he felt bad for waking him up.

Shoto reluctantly moved away from shinso. Not completely away, just far enough that theh weren't touching each other anymore.

Shoto didn't know how or why he felt different with shinso. Maybe because he understood him beyond words? He never felt the need to explain himself to the other, he just knew.

Shinso on the other hand, desperately wanted to reach out for the younger once more. To hold him. To maybe even give him a kiss? But he trailed his eyes away from his lips and saw the scared and broken eyes of the other.

He let out a sigh.

This wasn't the right time to persue his fantasies. He wasn't going to give up though. After spending the past days with Shoto, he really got closer to the boy. He was adorable yet strong, broken but determined. He was just so lovable, everyone around him agreed. How could he not fall in love with such a boy.

But he opted to give Shoto a gentle smile instead. He slowly lifted his hand to place on the youngers slightly smaller one.

Shoto felt butterflies. His stomach turned and he felt warm all the way up to his cheeks. He didn't recognize this feeling. All he knew was that it came from shinso and he never wanted it to end.

The two boys laid down in shoto's bed and for once, neither of them had problems falling asleep.

(I'm finally somewhat satisfied? I hope you guys liked this one. Have a great day cuties!)

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