to save her pt. 2

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Todoroki was rushed to the hospital. Of course he didn't know this until later because he was unconscious the whole time.

School was canceled for that week, the teachers and staff had to explain to the school board and the parents why this happened. They also decided that after the failed training regiment, they owed it to the students to let them rest.

It wasn't until 2 weeks later when Shoto woke up.

He opened his eyes to the white hospital ceiling. He blinked his eyes in attempt to clear his vision. A sour and bitter taste lingered on his tongue. Although he was alive, he was very much in pain. Everytime he breathed, his ribs ached. His ears were ringing as his head pounded. The sensation almost made him want to go back to sleep.

But he knew he couldn't do that. He had to see his classmates. He had to make sure they were okay. That he was able to save them. Even if it meant he was gonna be tired, and in pain for the next few days.

He tried to speak to ask for assistance. But nothing came out except for a weird croak. His throat hurt too. Luckily for him, he didn't have to wait long. A nurse came in a moment after to check his vitals.

"Oh! Mister todoroki! You're awake! That's good, we were wondering when you would come to. I'll go get the doctor."

He wanted to ask if any of his friends were put in hospital like him, but she had already left. Maybe it would have been useless anyway. After all, he couldn't even talk.

The doctor came in to check on him. They told him that he was injected with a poison when the villain had scratched him. It flooded his bloodstream at a very fast pace. He would have been dead if he was brought in a minute later. But they had rushed him there with the help of the superheroes and managed to get the poison extracted in time. Right before it reached his heart. They also let him know that his classmates and teachers visited daily. Even his father came a few times with his siblings. They showed him the get well gifts that people had left for him. Which he couldn't go through in one day because there was a huge pile of it.

He was kept there for another 2 days before he was allowed to go home. And even then, he insisted to go to school to see his friends first. Shoto was excused from lessons for a month to heal, or more accurately, he was banned from joining them. Of course, he kept insisting that he was feeling good enough to participate, but everyone denied his wish to train.

When he first went back, the whole class went feral. Fawning over him and asking repeatedly if he was okay. He assured them multiple times that he was fine, even though he wasn't and everyone could tell.

He was easily fatigued and ran out of breath. His classmates looked at him with worried eyes. They all waited to ask him questions, knowing that he wouldn't want to answer them to avoid being 'vulnerable'.

But they couldn't wait forever.

One day, they were in the cafeteria eating lunch. Uraraka couldn't wait anymore.

"Why did you do that todoroki-kun?! You should have left! He wasn't going after me! I got my broken bones fixed by recovery girl, but you.. you almost died!"

He was glad to have his voice back.
"It doesn't matter. I would do it again."

She was almost in tears.

"To save you. I would do the same for anyone. That's what heroes do."

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