pass out (bakutodo)

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@PatrickJohns118 thank you for the idea!!

He should not have came to school today.

His everything hurt from training yesterday. With his father and then even more at school.

It was Tuesday and Shoto has not had a single day of rest on the weekends, when he probably should have.

On Monday, every other one of his peers returned to UA fully energized and ready to learn from the break they got on the weekends.

Bakugou specifically was just itching to have an excuse to take out his energy on someone.

But all his previous desires to train with his favorite training buddy, shoto, not that he'd ever tell him that, vanished when he saw the boy's condition.

The fatigue was written all over his face.

Nothing was said between the boys but not once did bakugou not worry when Shoto swayed or closed his eyes in what seemed to be pain.

Things only escalated for the worst when the training block started that day.

No sugarcoating it, he passed out.

It was when they were sparring. Bakugou had wanted to let his pent up energy out, but seeing the wornout boy before him, he couldn't help feeling bad. There were several instances where Katsuki slowed himself down or purposely made mistakes to allow Shoto to take some breaks.

Katsuki told himself it wasn't because he cared but the aching in his heart for the younger didn't fade away.

He should really stop lying to himself.

"Give me your all bakugou. I dont want your pity!"

As sweat dripped down his face and frost crept up his sides. His quirk was becoming unstable.

I can't help it Shoto, not when you look like you're about to..


~Bakugou's POV~

(I should really do more povs)

I watched as he fell.

I should have seen it coming.

I wasn't fucking fast enough. He fell.

God damn it this kid's got me running for him now?

(We get it, you're in denial. Help him idiot!!)

I pick him up slowly and put his head in my lap. As close as I am, I can feeling his staggered breath from training.

At least he was still breathing.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Aizawa sensei run over, the rest of our class following behind him. But I couldn't pay attention.

With his head in my lap, I could see the fatigue on his face. The dark bags under his eyes, the way his face seemed hollow and pale.

Didn't make him look any less hot but it did cause a squeeze in my chest. Just a little.

People started surrounding us and basically just- crowding like idiots.

Aizawa took him away to recovery girl. I wasn't allowed to follow.

Damn it.

~no one's POV~

recovery girl said he was going to be fine with some rest and lots of food and water.

Nothing was wrong with Shoto, thankfully, other than the fact that his body couldn't take being overworked anymore. It shut down on it's own since Shoto wasn't willing to give it a break.

He slept the whole rest of the day at recovery girl's office before he woke up at 6 the next morning.

Damn his internal alarm.

Shoto was confused.

Shoto goes back to the dorms.

Shoto was not expecting to see bakugou sleeping on the kitchen table.

"..akugou.. bakugou?"

His voice was kinda hoarse from sleeping so long. He hadn't realized until now.

Bakugou's eyes fluttered open and widened at the boy infront of him.

If his mind was anymore foggy from sleep and shock, he wouldn't have hesitated to hug the other who he had stayed up waiting for.

Well not waiting for, he was really just too worried to sleep.

Shoto flinched back at Katsuki's slightly raised arms, before realizing it was an offer of a hug. Naturally, he felt bad, and decided to pull the other male closer to him the rest of the way to make up for it.

It was a foreign feeling to both of them, but not uncomfortable.

"Come sleep in my room tonight."

Bakugou said in a whisper.

It wasn't a question, shoto knew there was no getting out of it. And quite frankly, he didn't mind.

-time skip: the next day-

Shoto woke up on the hard-ish mattress of Katsuki's bed.

Upon realizing the boy wasn't next to him, he looked at the clock on the bedside table only to panicked slightly at the clock that read 10:19 am.

He was so late for school.

Sitting up, his whole body felt sore. He should really take care of himself more. He let out a sigh as he stretched his stiff muscles.

It was then that he noticed the note on the table, it read:

Stay in bed dumbass. There's a bowl of soup in the microwave, only leave my room to get it. We'll be back to check on you at lunch. And don't you dare come to class.


Who the heck is we?

We was the whole class.

Shoto eventually found out that his quirk was.. not behaving as it should.

By the time the rest of the class came back to check on shoto for lunch, he was cocooned in a igloo of frozen blankets in the common room.

Peeking inside, shoto was sleeping? Passed out again? They couldn't tell.

Bakugou made small explosions in his hands to melt the ice. After the blankets thawed, ojiro reached in his tail and pulled the unconscious boy out.

The rest of Shoto's day was spent in the teachers lounge, with mr. Aizawa, all might, midnight and present mic taking turns keeping him in check and making sure he had whatever he needed to get better.

(Please read the please read <33)

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