my 1st priority, you (serotodo)

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(Aged up)

It was just barely leaking through his clothes, the blood. There was a minor villain attack and Shoto just happened to be there to help out. As third years in UA now, they had training passes for using their quirks in public when necessary.

The villain wasn't exactly hard to take down, but man did he mess with the heroes before that. Out of all the places in the city, he had to choose the town square where there were probably the most civilians.

He constantly ran out in the streets, causing cars to swerve from the sudden movement.

He also just was all over the place in general, throwing things around.

Not something the heroes wanted the children there to see.

The villain had things the resembled grappling hooks connected to his shoulder blades. Shoto knew he had to react fast when he saw said villain leap towards a mother and her son, who looked no older than five.

He really should have planned things out more.

But as always, he blindly went to help without considering how much of a risk his move would be.

Shoto made some ice to glide on in order to speed up his progress and hopefully make it to the mother, son duo before the villain did.

And he did, but that was in the very last second.

When he got there, there was no time to do anything other than to push the civilians out of the way. Seemingly shocked aswell, the villain hesitated for a second before making contact with Shoto.

The hero in training was just barely able to move out of the way, which is why he now had two deep scratches on his arm just below his shoulder.

Soon after that happened though, shoto was able to freeze the villain. As the authorities took the villain away, he was finally allowed to leave the scene too.

It didn't look like a big deal to Shoto, just some scratches. He knew he had time to get home before anything happened though, for example losing too much blood and passing out on the streets.

Anyways, being the stubborn creature he was, he decided there was no need for a trip to the hospital.

Shoto walked up the steps to their house slowly, holding his hand over the scratches.

Sero was in the middle of cooking dinner for him and his partner when the door swung opened. Smiling when he turned around to face the younger, he opened his arms to embrace the latter in a warm welcome home hug.

Finally when he released shoto, did he realize how exhausted the boy looked.

He was slouched over slightly, and that, sero took as a sure sign he wasn't okay. Shoto never slouched. He had perfect posture, one of the many things Endeavor had engraved in his mannerism since he was young.

Sero looked over the younger to finally see the scratches on th boy's arms. He then realized that some of shoto's blood had also gotten on his clothes from their hug.

Shoto seemed to realize the same time sero did.

They did not have the same kind of reaction.

'What happened to you?! Who did it??!'

'I'm sorry. I can clean them for you..!'

They both said simultaneously.

'....what are you talking about sho??'

'Your shirt..? I'll clean it for you.'



Oh no. Did I make him mad?

Let me just clarify. Sero gives Shoto LOTS of love and assurance. It just so happens that he is exhausted and kinda dizzy so it's safe to say he isn't exactly thinking straight (gay).

'Sho.. what the actual fuck.'

No it was not a question.

'I just want to know what happened! why are you bleeding?! It doesn't matter to me if you ruin or steal a hundred of my shirts. Because you are my number one priority!!'

That seemed to work as Shoto's eyes immediately became less foggy. Instead of the drowsy uncertainty sero saw in them earlier, they were replaced by tears slowly starting to form.

It was hitting him now, again, just as it had in the end of their first year when sero asked him out on their first date and in their second year when he asked him to be his boyfriend. It hit him that the people who loved him as who he was would always put him and his well being first.

Unlike other times, when people directly correlated his worth to what it was he could accomplish and achieve, sero was most worried about him.

Not asking about anything other than his injury first when he noticed them, because nothing else mattered when the person you love is hurt.

Not getting mad about something as simple as blood on his shirt because no amount of clothing or money would make him feel the way that the boy in front of him made him feel.

Shoto was sitting in the bath, enveloped in perfectly warm water to ease his sore muscles. On the edge of the bath was sero, holding the younger's arm as he carefully wrapped the now cleaned and disinfected scratches with gauze.

Placing a gentle kiss on shoto's hand when he was done, he left to wait in the bedroom for his boyfriend to finish so they could cuddle.

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