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Request: misakuron21

Hope this is good enough!

(Second year AU)

With his clothes dripping wet, Shoto returns to the dorms.

Long story short, there had been some trouble back at home for Shoto, which took more time than he thought it would. It was already Sunday night. At 9 pm, Shoto had no other choice but to run back to school in the rain. You would think someone from such a wealthy family would simply take the car, however, Shoto was not in the mood to make conversation before he left. And even if he did, it would come with questions, and he would most likely not be able to make it back in time. It was already approaching curfew.

As he walked through the dark halls in his dampened clothing, he cursed himself for not being more considerate of the weather.

Using his quirk, Shoto quickly warmed himself up. Perhaps a little too quickly as the sudden change in temperature sent chills down his spine.

He slowly peeled the wet fabric away from his skin, stepping into the bathroom for a hot bath.

*Bakugou's POV*

People had been asking him all day where Shoto was. He wished he knew too. It's been a few days since the younger male was mysteriously called out of class. Later on in the class group chat, a very proper message was sent out by said boy, notifying everyone that he would need to be home for a few days, sorting out 'family business'.

That was when people started worrying.

It was no secret to the class that Shoto didn't particularly love his father. However, situations as such could not be helped, especially by outsiders. So shoto's classmates and friends focused on making him feel happy and free whenever he was at school.

The whole weekend, the group chat had been going non stop. Sadly, the boy never replied.

Bakugou knows he'll be back tonight for sure. He would never miss a day of school if he could help it. So, he waited, going as far as staying up after his bed time in order to see Shoto back safe and sound.

You couldn't blame him for being worried, after all, they were more mature now in their second year at UA. The two eventually became good friends after all the battles they've had together.

The blond was snapped out of this thoughts by the sound of footsteps echoing down the hallway.

By how quiet and careful they sounded, he could tell they were of the person he was waiting for.

(These kids have been in so many life or death situations, all of their senses are heightened. Whether that's from the trauma or training or both, you can decide for yourself.)

Now obviously, bakugou is still bakugou, who very much valued his pride. He waited for a few minutes before heading off to shoto's dorm room.

*3rd person POV*

Three clean knocks on the door sounded through the lonely hallway. With some shuffling noises from within, the door was opened to reveal a wet haired Shoto.

He was in nothing but a pair of sweatpants, as he had just exited the shower.

Upon seeing who it was, a slightly surprised and confused expression fell upon shoto's face.

Katsuki couldn't help but let his eyes wonder a little, his gaze tracing over the scars on the younger's torso.

"Where have you been?"

He asked, surprisingly calm.


That answer did not satisfy Katsuki. He wanted to not only know where Shoto has been, but also what he's been so busy with, and whether or not he was hurt.

He said nothing and pushed past the younger, walking in to his room and sitting on his bed.

"Go put on some clothes or something. It's cold."

Shoto found that surprisingly sweet. So he did as he was told, putting on a loose t-shirt.

Sitting down next to Katsuki on his bed, they fell in to an awkward, but familiar silence. Until it was broken by a sneeze.

Turning his gaze onto the boy beside him, Katsuki eyed him curiously.

'Mr. Icy hot is sick? How does that even happen?'

"Lay down, you're gonna really get sick if you don't warm up."

Again, the younger did as he was told obediently.

But the sneezing did not stop, in fact it became more and more frequent. Not being able to stand it anymore, Katsuki left the room.

With a sigh, Shoto snuggled deeper into his blanket in search of some well needed warmth.

Within the next few minutes, he felt both hot and cold, and his throat had become dry and slightly painful. Shoto could only hope that he'd be able to attend class tomorrow.

He closed his eyes, resting, before opening them again at the sound of his door creaking open.

"Take the medicine before you go to sleep."

Katsuki said with some fever medication in his out stretched palm.

Shoto sat up and took the pill dry. Katsuki handed him a glass of water while sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Seeing the younger's eyes dropping closed, Katsuki placed the glass down. When Shoto fell asleep, the blond carefully put his palm on his head, only to sigh as he felt the high temperature. Walking into the bathroom, Katsuki wet a cloth and returned to shoto's bedside, placing it on his head gently.

He looked around the room, everything was in place. He looked at the sleeping boy, he seemed fine besides having a fever. With that, he left quietly knowing the other was okay.

Shoto woke up the next morning at 9:47 am. He sat up quickly as he saw the time, making his head pound lightly and his vision blur. Looking beside the clock, he noticed a note.

It read,

I told Aizawa that you weren't feeling well today and couldn't make it to class. And I also turned off your stupid alarm, thank me later. Why the hell was it set so fucking early? 4 am? I'm not even up by then. Who are you tryna beat huh? Anyways. Don't try to come in today. Take your meds, i left some on the table.


The sick boy smiled unconsciously as he placed the note down.

Who knew Bakugou could be so caring?

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