where did you get that burn?(bakutodo)

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(It's a bakutodo one shot in case the chapter name was too long fo you to see it. I hate when that happens.)

It was 1 am in the morning when Shoto came back to the dorms.

-Shoto's POV-

Ugh, why did he make me train on a Sunday? That's such a dumb idea. It's such a bother to hide my injuries from my classmates too. And I have training tomorrow, just great.

I sigh as I walk into the common room, expecting it to be empty this late at night, only to jump when I see... bakugou?

-Bakugou's POV-

*earlier that night*

I went to bed at 8:32 as per usual, except tonight, I just couldn't get tired. I might have napped a few minutes before being woken up by some noises outside.

No wonder these idiots are so fucking dumb, they can't even go to bed at a proper time.

I pretty much laid in bed for the rest of the night, not knowing if I was even awake or asleep.

I woke up again.

I turn my head to face my clock on my bed side table.

11:28 it read.

I was too awake now to try to go back to sleep, so I decided to go into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea.

I blink my eyes to adjust to the light as the room lit up by the flick of my fingers on the light switch. I walk over to the cabinets and open one up, taking out a tea bag and popping it into my cup. I filled it up with water and popped it into the microwave.

Ever since the accident with icy hot, we got rid of the kettle to avoid another panic attack from him. I'm not going to lie, it was pretty fucking terrifying to see him like that. This guy won second at the sports festival, he wouldn't just freak out for no reason. My theory is that it had something to do with what he and deku were talking about at the beginning of the year.

But whatever, it's not any of my business anyway.

I lean back on the counter as I sip my tea, waiting to feel tired.

This is going to completely ruin my sleeping schedule.

I let out a sigh and put my cup down. Just as I did that, the door creaked open. Behind it was.. icy hot?

-3rd person POV-

The two boys lock eyes.

Bakugou's eyes lingered on Todoroki's for a quick second before he looked away. His stare started to trail down the younger boy's body. He took notice of the small blood stains, and the wrinkles that stuck out like a sore thumb on Todoroki's usually ironed to perfection school uniform.

Todoroki just stood in shock, staring at the boy he'd least expect to be up at this time. He kept his eyes on the other's, watching as they calculated every detail on his outfit.

Todoroki almost couldn't stop the panic he felt at being caught at such a vulnerable state. But bakugou didn't seem to care much. The older male raised an eyebrow at shoto's suspicious return to the common room before turning away to finish his tea.

Shoto didn't know what to do. He felt like he was prey in the lair of his predator. As if one wrong move would alert bakugou to start asking questions. Questions that Shoto could not answer without revealing something about his horrible home life and breaking down. But he also knew that he couldn't stay here. The longer he was here, the more he was risking bakugou finding out something that would inevitably lead to a beating from his father.

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