Chapter 32

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I choked. "Will?"

"Uhh...hey? Over."

Fusion was bewildered.

"Am I butting in on something? Over." Nitroa was just as confused.

"I think so." Fusion sidestepped over to Adam and motioned to the villains. "I'm going to deal with them, you seem to have...something to figure out." He put a hand up to his temple. "Nitroa, do you want to come help dispose of some villains? We'll take them to the police station. Over."

"No problem," the radio crackled. Nitroa appeared with one woman underneath her arm. Fusion took a step back.

"Did you only have one enemy?" He scowled.

Nitroa flipped her hair and smiled. "Maybe."

Fusion shook his head. "Unbelievable."

Nitroa strolled to Fusion to appraise his injuries. "I've seen you look worse."

"Shut up." Fusion mumbled as he grabbed Adam by the shirt and pulled him under one arm. Nitroa chuckled and disappeared for a minute. She returned empty-handed and hoisted Adam from Fusion's grip. He turned.

"Hey, you should go to Pitch. And this Will guy." Fusion grunted as he picked up Switch. I nodded.

The world dissolved in a shower of sparks and reformed in the plant that Pitch had defended. With Will.

I blinked for a couple seconds and shuffled around. This plant looked much like the one Fusion and I defended, with the exception of being a bit roomier. Before I could gather my thoughts my eyes landed on Will. He took a couple long strides and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug that plastered my arms to my sides. "Ack...I can't breathe!" I gasped. My vertebrae ground together.

Will held me for a second longer and then set me down. "Oh, I'm sorry!" He stepped away for a second and rubbed his eyes...was he crying? I looked closer and noted a few differences. The Will I knew had black hair and grey eyes, while the Will in front of me had blonde hair and golden eyes that were shimmering with—yep, those were tears.

"Wait, wait." I took a step back. "What's happening? Why do you look like this?" I gasped. "Have you been a super this whole time and not told me?!"

Will's face broke into a pained smile. He glanced to a woman that was talking to Pitch a few yards away. Pitch looked concerned, then his expression quickly became horrified. He covered his mouth with one gloved hand as she spoke to him. What was the woman telling him?

"No, I haven't. Haven't you noticed that I was gone?" His eyebrows arched.

I shook my head. "You've been showing up at school, but you've been distant. You didn't even text me back. I-I thought you were going through something and left you alone." I didn't recognize the way my words sounded.

Will's mouth twitched. "Switch," His expression hardened. "How could you not realize that your best friend wasn't your best friend? Have you been so caught up with gallivanting across the city to pay me any attention?"

I struggled for words. "W-w-well-yes!" I controlled my tone. Things were too confusing. What did he mean 'wasn't your best friend'? I put my hands on the side of my head. "I've been busy trying to track down and stop Blanch! I-I-"

"You didn't have time to give your best friend." Will finished my sentence for me. "You know, if you maybe put aside the superhero shit and getting all doe-eyed over other guys, you would probably have noticed that wasn't the real me." His face weakened for a moment before it collapsed and he began to cry.

Scott Mason: Gay Superhero (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now