Chapter 30

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I hunkered down in the tight crawlspace that Fusion had found for me. It was located between two large pipes thicker than my body.

"How do you like it?" Fusion was optimistic. My shoulders were crushed together in the space with my hands up against my chest. The crawlspace was out of the way, shrouded in darkness, and best of all had a vantage point to view one of the large water mains that could be compromised by Blanch or one of his cronies.

"It's perfect," I wheezed. My facemask buzzed. I heard a twin buzzing coming from Fusion.

"How are things going over at your guys' treatment plant?" Nitroa's voice came over the intercom.

"Good, you?" Fusion brought his hand up to his mask.

"We're about to finish up reconnaissance right now and we'll be good." Fusion's voice echoed in my mask.

Pitch's voice crackled over the comm. "I'm good here at my treatment plant, too. Everything's ready to go."

I shimmied out of the space and got caught between the pipes for a moment. Fusion offered a hand and pulled me out with a tight squeeze. The leather of my suit creaked from the pressure.

"I think that we should have one of us patrol the plants until the day it happens--just in case they decide to change the date on us." Fusion relayed into the comm. "We can alternate."

A quick zip and puff of smoke announced the arrival of Pitch and Nitroa. Both shambled over to the two of us. "Is that your hiding spot?" Nitroa pointed at the space I just escaped. I nodded.

"Damn, I didn't know that you were that small. Could you breathe in there?"

I chuckled. "Barely."

Pitch's eyebrows raised over his mask. "Are you sure?" He stepped over and peeked in. "It looks pretty small." His arm was shockingly warm as it wrapped its way around my waist. His voice got lower. "I'd hate it if you got hurt or trapped in there."

Nitroa and Fusion gagged loudly.

"Shut the fuck up," Pitch admonished. They both began to cackle loudly. I rested my hand on his arm.

"I'll be fine, really! Fusion will be here with me." Pitch relaxed a bit and turned over to the rest of the team.

"So, who wants to take the first watch?" He clapped his hands. Nitroa volunteered. The watch alternation went: Nitroa, Pitch, then Me. Fusion was exempt because he couldn't make his way between the treatment centers as fast as the rest of us--but we only had a few days until the assault anyway so it worked out.

"I should get started, then." Nitroa held out her fist for Fusion to bump. "Can you get him home?" She asked Pitch.

"No doubt," Pitch smirked and held out his hand for Fusion, who took it. He brought his attention back to me. "Do you think you'll be ok for a second? I'll be back before you know it."

I smiled and leaned up against one of the pipes. "I will. See you in a second?"

PItch nodded and disappeared. Nitroa waved goodbye to me and disappeared to go and check the other plants for the night. I was left in the dim light to contemplate the setting that I would find myself in the next few days.

Anxiety bathed my ribs as I contemplated that on my patrol Blanch could show up with some innumerable horde of supers. What if that woman showed up again? The image of the man's neck abruptly snapping to the side sent a spike of fear through my abdomen. What if that was my neck next? I rubbed my gloved hand over my neck and swallowed. Would I die in the dank confines of the tubes behind me? What about Pitch, Nitroa, or Fusion?

Scott Mason: Gay Superhero (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now