Chapter 17

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I woke up in the morning to a message from Pitch, which really dampened my mood from the night before.

The message came from the mask that was came from the suit. There was a beeping sound coming from its place on the carpet. I picked it up and put it on my face, hoping that the rest would play out. I did not know how to work the thing.

As soon as I put it on, an audio message started playing from Pitch.

"Hey, uhh, I just wanted to leave you a message, to say that I'm sorry for what I did last night. There was no excuse to really do it, and it was really rude in the end." I rolled my eyes. "Also, we found out a way to extract information from the hard drive about Blanch, but we haven't looked at it yet. We wanted you to be here for it."  A hot feeling of adrenaline seeped into my veins when he said that they got information from the hard drive. "Anyhow, you know where the warehouse is now, so we'll all be waiting. Umm...see you then."

I dismissed his apology and rushed putting on my suit. Wait, what day was it? I looked at my phone. Sunday. Good, not a school day! I had my whole day free...until tomorrow.

I finished suiting up and focused on where I needed to go. With a snap and pop I arrived at the warehouse where Pitch, Fusion, and Nitroa were waiting. Fusion and Nitroa treated me like they normally did, with a solid,  simultaneous "Hello!" While Pitch, on the other hand, just looked down at the ground. I jogged over to them and one of the computers that they were on, curious to find out what was on the drive.

I was giddy with excitement, ready to see what was there. Could it be top-secret files on what they know about Blanch? Maybe he used to work for them! Or, to keep with the title on the drive: BloodSpike trials. He had to have something to do with that!

Nitroa, who was the only one sitting, clapped and rubbed her hands together. "Are you ready?" she asked us all. We crowded around behind her. I made sure that Fusion was between me and Pitch, just so I could keep him out of my mind.

"Open it up already!" I motioned for her to hurry up. She gave me a dirty look out of the side of her eye. "Patience is a virtue," she snootily said. I rolled my eyes. Patience was a virtue that I didn't have.

She clicked on the folder that represented the hard drive information that she had gleaned, which popped open to one file and one file only: A video.

We all glanced at each other. What might the video contain?

"Do you wanna place bets?" Fusion asked us, but Pitch elbowed him and motioned for Nitroa to click on the file. She looked at all of us then moved the cursor and double-clicked on the video.

Jason Seymore popped up onto the screen, sitting on a chair, in front of a bookcase. No time was wasted before he started talking.

"If you are watching this video, whoever you are, you must know that Theodore Blanch is a dangerous man."

I gasped a little bit, only to have my toes stomped on by Nitroa and a quick shush from the group.

"Theodore Blanch, Codename: Blanch, was part of our illegal human testing for BloodSpike. After synthesizing a successful batch of BloodSpike that worked on rats and primates—healing whatever ailments they had—we knew we couldn't get testing for humans right away. So we improvised. We took dead soldiers, police officers, and firefighters from across Colorado and tested BloodSpike on their corpses. This testing went along just fine until one dead officer from the Boulder area was brought in: Theodore Blanch." Seymore covered his mouth for a moment. His eyes were filled with guilt. He knew exactly what he had done.

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