Chapter 12

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I jumbled along the terrain, swerving left and right to avoid a few people. I didn't want to end up as some grease spot on the front of somebody's RV; I knew I wouldn't want someone plastered to my RV if I owned one. I looked back at the ATV, with the man that had unnatural blowy-uppie-thingy powers. He scared me. He looked like a some type of zombie that had come back to life. In the distance I saw what looked like a dirt road shoot like a dart in the direction that would get me out of here. I made a sharp turn, nearly tipping and rolling the RV.

That reminded me of something my mother always told me. I pulled the seatbelt over my chest while driving with my knees. Safety first.

When I did that, a deafening boom rocked through the air, making the ground seem a lot closer. The RV tipped on the driver's side and skated at sixty-five miles per hour, making me glad that I put on my seatbelt at such an opportune time. It skidded to a halt, metal shrieking in agony as sand and salt scraped away the crusty brown paint layer by layer. Plates and tupperware containers flew everywhere in the RV, and when everything came to a standstill, I hung there with a piece of lasagna plastered to the side of my head, sauce making my eyes water slightly. If I were in any other circumstance, I would have probably eaten the lasagna, but I was being chased by some power-wielding crazy Drug-Rehabilitation reject-looking guy.

I gathered my bearings and unbuckled my seatbelt, falling the short way to the ground. A few pieces of glass punctured my arm, but I paid no heed. I took the lasagna off of my face and flung it aside, not paying attention to it as it slapped against a mirror and stuck there. I looked upwards at the tinted windows, wondering how I would get out of the RV. If I stayed, I would either be caught or killed, either by the Sheriff or the man that was chasing me now.

I jumped, but the windows that used to be on the side of the RV (that was perpendicular to the ground just a minute ago) was now parallel to the ground and too high up for me to reach. I didn't think that I could break the windshield, either.

A screech brought me out of my train of thought. I listened closely as the chug-chug of the ATV grew closer, revealing the man as he drifted into view in the front of the RV. The man hopped off of the ATV, his boots crackling on the ground. The sun made him whiter than a sheet, an alien from another world. He put his hands foreword towards the RV. He walked calmly once more, holding composure.

As I thought this, the front of the car peeled outwards with a cracking and screeching sound of metal and glass. The middle of the windshield melted, and after the severe display of what could have possibly been satan magic, the man stepped inside. He stood there, with his arms folded across his chest. For the first time, he talked. His voice was ice that stabbed into my ears, and a cold feeling traveled down my spine.

"If you raise your hands and blast another hole in me I will personally blow off one of your legs." He said cooly. I hesitated, not putting my fists up in self defense.

"Who are you?" I asked, stalling as my eyes darted around to look for an escape. There was nowhere to go; he was blocking the only exit. Unless...

"That doesn't really matter, does it?" He asked, stepping forward. I stumbled backwards, falling on my butt. Great. How dignified.

"Actually it does." I held my finger up, ready to correct. I stopped, holding my stomach. I felt an unpleasant tingling feeling in my lower abdomen. "Ooh, I must have eaten someth-"


A giant light blinded me, and a large sound, sort of like a chainsaw, dominated and rattled my senses. Broken glass tinkled across my skin, and everything was blanched white. My ears rang, and I had to blink my eyes multiple times to get the spots out of them. I felt exhausted. I felt empty inside. I felt kinda relieved, like I had just taken a satisfying poop. I braced myself up, looking around. The dude was no longer there. What happened? Had he disappeared?

Scott Mason: Gay Superhero (boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora