Chapter 16

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I hung there in his arms, blankly staring at the hard drive that we had just stolen. The wind whipped at my hair and the city sped by below us with every flap of his wings. After a few minutes we landed outside my screen door. He set me down on my feet and didn't let go until he was sure that I could stand. I looked around, making sure that there was nobody nearby that would see or overhear us.

I stood there, staring blankly into space. What should I do? Should I chastise him? Should I just walk away without a word? "Are you OK?" Pitch said. I looked at him to focus in his face and rewarded him with a swift slap on the cheek.


Suddenly, anger filled my chest, rising to the brim and spilling over my mouth. My face turned beet red. I swiped at my mouth like I had some spit on my lips.

He stood there for a second, frozen, jaw squared. I shoved the giant thumb drive into his hands. "Don't you ever kiss me again," I whispered venomously. "How could you? What gave you license to even do that? You're my partner in crime-fighting, not, not my, my," I stuttered. "My boyfriend!"

Pitch opened his mouth to speak.

"Don't talk to me," I held up my hand in a 'talk-to-the-hand' type of motion. "And to think that I was actually beginning like you!" A look of hurt quickly arose on Pitch's face.

"What do you mean?" Pitch deadpanned. I looked at him closely. Was he serious? "I-I-I was trying to calm you down, and-and that was the first thing that I thought of!" Pitch argued." You can't blame me, we were about to get caught! And how could you be such an asshole? 'I can't believe I was beginning to like you?'" He mimicked in a falsetto. "How condescending!"

"Well, maybe you should have thought about the consequences before you put your lips on mine!" I flipped a 180 and looked around, making sure that nobody saw me walk into my apartment with my supersuit on. "Tell Nitroa to tell me when you guys have hacked into that thing as well," I clipped before slamming the door shut.

I would love to say that twisting the shades closed with the little rod was as satisfying as I wanted it to be, glaring into Pitch's eyes and moving my fingers furiously, but it wasn't.

After I finished closing the shades I turned around to my perfectly normal apartment. The pale, tan walls and carpet begat me to lay down and calm down. It was the only normal thing in my life!

I trudged into my bedroom, fuming as I stripped my suit off, throwing it into my closet and collapsed on my bed. I could not hear my mother's snore in the other room, so that must mean that she had already headed to the ER for the night.

Now, what would I do to get my mind off of Pitch? How could he have done such a thing?! I twisted and turned on the bed, wringing my hands together. How could I look him in the eyes again? He kissed me for Christ's sake! That's not really something that a normal person does, though. Right?

I stared at my ceiling, dying to get my mind off of the subject. I made little shapes out of the patterns from the caulking there. I saw a fox, a bird, a house.

I focused on the house as I drifted off into sleep.


My phone woke me up, buzzing on my bed right where I put it before I left the night before. Right next to my head. I picked it up and checked the messages.

Hey, you up? -9:45

You wanna do something? -9:56

Hey, I miss you ;) -10:01

Scott Mason: Gay Superhero (boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora