Chapter 18

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I peered out the window at the cold, stormy weather. Clouds rolled and toiled in the sky, and if I looked long enough, I could see them move.

I still didn't know where I was. My days consisted of sleeping for six hours then getting woken up and dragged to some type of lab for testing.  I loathed it, every day, non-stop. They poked me with needles and took a lot of my blood, which I had come to terms with being literal gold.  I was really disappointed with my hair, though! And my irises, and pretty much everything except my skin and fingernails. They had all turned gold. Now I looked like some type of street performing act come to everyday life.

Apparently whatever happened to me made me...different. Well, obviously. But the last stretch of time of me being tested and me being questioned had helped me reveal a lot about what powers that injection gave me and where I was.

Wherever this was, was where the man that had kidnapped me kept all of his dirty little secrets, or at least I thought it was. Unless there was an international society of super-villains, which I highly doubted. I at least thought that I was somewhere in the west, maybe Nevada? The air was thin and dry, which made my throat scratchy. Maybe we were high up? My view of the surrounding landscape was mostly blocked, except for the few mountains that I saw in the distance.

What also freaked me out, though, is the fact that I could do stuff that I hadn't been able to do before! The tests that they put me through really amazed me, but at the same time...terrified me.  Under the fear of electrocution, I shot beams of light out of my hands, my eyes, and even my butt (if I concentrated hard enough)! What interested me the most, though, was the fact that if I resided in the sun long enough, I felt stronger. More rejuvenated.  I'm pretty sure that if I got enough sunlight, that I could break right through these walls!

Oh, and the wings. They came out at random times. Never when I need it, though!

Right now, though, I rested languidly on the tough cot in the corner of my room. How long had I been imprisoned? A few days? Maybe weeks? I had lost count of how many times the sunlight had passed on its traditional trajectory across the floor my room. I had been attempting to clock the times that food was delivered.

I pondered on my predicament. Nowadays, there wasn't much to do besides pace the floor of my cell and think. In the time of my unlawful incarceration, I had scoured every inch of my cell for any evidence of spying. As far as I could tell, there were no cameras or microphones anywhere. My hope had quickly abated and grim acceptance had taken its place. I scrawled messages on the walls of the cell, signing them with a quick, sloppy flourish.

I was so bored.

All of a sudden, far away in the building, there was a crash of metal. It echoed down the cell block hallway and into my cell. I perked up, straining to hear. there were a few shouts and all of a sudden gunfire. The guard that was stationed outside my door hurried down the hallway, where the sounds of the commotion were the strongest. I heard him fumble with his gun and then shout.

Suddenly there was a person in my cell with me. I flinched backward towards the far corner of my cot, banging my head against the wall. There was a woman standing there, with strait, brown hair pulled up into a ponytail that framed her valentine face. Her eyes were brown as well, as was her skin, a rich almond color. She held a gun in her hand.

I eyed her warily. She almost immediately made eye contact with me and put her hands up in the air.

"I'm here to help," she automatically appealed. I eyed her warily. She wore a earth-worn leather jacket with black jeans and combat boots. She looked very biker-chick.

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