Chapter 35

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"Hey," A warm puff of air tickled my ear. "Wake up."

I brushed away whatever was bothering me. There was a brief moment of silence before it resumed. A thin warm trail went from my cheek to my ear. I twitched and reached to scratch whatever it was. My hand buried into something warm and pillow? I twisted my head and cracked open my eyes.

The light coming in from the window seemed to soak in. The sun hadn't quite risen yet, so the sky outside wavered like pale denim. I moved my hand more and ended up caressing Grahm's ear. That's right! I scrubbed at my eyes and turned my head. Although my eyes were still adjusting, his golden form was unforgettable. I tried to smile. A jolt of pain snapped through my face. "Ooh," I groaned.

"Good morning to you, too?" A absentminded hand tugged at one of my hoodie drawstrings. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, good morning. What time is it?" I suppressed the stretch that my spine was begging for.

Grahm chuckled a bit. "6;30. I wanted to say goodbye before your mom got back. This isn't exactly the way I want to meet her."

I imagined it. Hey mom, so uhh, this is my superhero boyfriend. Oh yeah, I'm gay by the way. "Can you stay for a few more minutes?" I buried my hands into his hair. He sighed.

"Scott, she's down the hall right now. She'll be here in a minute." He pulled away.

I sat up and wiped my eyes with my thumb, one at a time. It hurt if I pushed too hard—even on my eyes. I couldn't wait for my nose to heal up.

Grahm was already at the window. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. My feet planted on the ground without hesitation, only a slight tremble. Much better than yesterday. The thought crossed my mind of what I thought of last night—the plain realization that I was in love with him. Should I tell him now?

"Thirty seconds," Grahm stressed. Ok, maybe not right now. He pushed the window open and vaulted over the edge. He hung on so all I could see was his chest up. The clouds of his breath disappeared when they were pulled into the room. I frowned—something seemed off.

I snatched up his beanie from the bedside and treaded over to him. "Here." I crouched and somehow maneuvered it onto his head with my one hand. He tugged it over his ears. Only a tiny bit of hair poked out of the top. "Will I see you later?"

He snorted. "Of course. And don't feel sad, we'll have plenty of time together later."

"You better live up to your words." I gave him a peck on the lips before he dropped out of sight. I was able to get the window closed before the door to the room opened.


Even though I could walk decently I was still forced into a wheelchair by my mother on our way out. I wanted to bury my face in my hands, but I was too busy holding the extra change of clothes that my mom brought for me from home. Inside I had hidden my mask.

People glanced at my face and did a double-take. Even those who tried to hide it were noticeable. I itched to cover up.

"Don't worry," my mom said when we exited the building. "The bruises will be gone in a few weeks, as will your sling, hopefully." I squinted at the brightness of the snow.

"Really, a few weeks?" The wheelchair halted outside the car.

"If you don't do anything stupid, yeah." I stepped out of the wheelchair and grabbed the door handle to the side of the car. She fished inside her purse for a moment and brought out the car keys. "Do you think you could heat up the car while I take this back and finish paperwork? It shouldn't be more than five minutes."

Scott Mason: Gay Superhero (boyxboy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora