Chapter 11

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"Well that sucks for Samandriel." Adam said, walking to the front door. I stared at the news headline, feeling anger pulse through my system. Number 1: I wasn't going to allow a news station undermine me, and, Number Two: I was definitely not going to allow Super-Fine undermine me. How long has it been? Like, what, half of a week? I needed to get back onto the streets.

I've had a few stressful days.

"Are you coming?" Adam asked, hand on the doorknob. I looked away from the TV.

"Yeah." I walked away from the TV, making sure that Adam was out the door when I shut it off. In a way that most couldn't. Super. I shut it off with my powers ohmygoshwhyareyousostupid. I pulled my jacket off of the coat hangar on the back of the door, locking it behind me.

"What movie do you want to go watch?" Adam asked. I shrugged as we trudged up the stairs and outside

"Whatever's on. I really don't go to the movies that much." I unlocked my car and slid into it, leaning over to unlock the other side. Adam slid next to me. He took my jacket and set it on the dashboard. I sighed. I started the car, then the little white pinto bean of a car that I owned puttered backwards, slowly progressing out of the parking lot. "I heard that since Mission Impossible has been out for a while that the crowds are dying down."

"That's probably true." I heard Adam say. I stopped at a red light, waiting to turn.

"Do you go to the movie theaters often?" I asked. He shook his head. I 'hmmmm'ed' and proceeded into the intersection, being cautious of my surroundings. I didn't want anything to mess up hanging out with my crush. Not Blanch or Pitch or anything, really. But who would want their arch-nemesis and their annoying try-to-be-superhero-partner to drop in on a hangout with their crush? A small voice spoke in the back of my mind.

Friend zoned hard.


Yes you are. You're going to see a movie as friends. Friend zoned. You know that tiny little difference between the word boyfriend and boy friend? It's a space. That's called the FRIENDZONE.

I sighed as my internal conversation kept up. The music was turned on by Adam, and I panicked. Was it getting awkward? Did he not like any conversation that we were having before? OmgdidIzoneout?

I peeked at him from the corner of my eye, silently bobbing his head and tapping his thumbs to the music. I listened to the lyrics, and recognized Taylor Swift. "You like Taylor Swift?" I asked incredulously, keeping my eye on the road. I heard him snort.

"What, is there something wrong with her?" I felt my heart thump for a second or two before I came up with a nice reply.

"No, I just didn't strike you as the type of guy who listened to her. You have the whole mysterious thing going, with the black hair and black eyes and all. I was thinking like...AC/DC or something."

Adam faked an exaggerated and dramatic scoff, firing into a long monologue about how his music tastes were the keystone of a American society in a haughty and bad British accent. We both talked about our favorite artists and actors, comparing and debating about who was better. I said that my favorite artist, Hozier, was better in comparison to his, Hayley Kiyoko.

We talked about all of this from the ride to the theatre until we had to choose the time for the movie. The outside of the theatre was covered in large blinking yellow lights that reminded me of a carnival. They didn't have that much effect on anything right now, but in about an hour, they'd be standing out in the night air. Adam carried our jackets in case it got cold—I didn't object. We decided to get our popcorn and sit at a small table at the edges of the giant lobby, people-watching to pass the time.

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