Chapter 27

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My plan was impeccable. Foolproof. Nobody could have thought of a better plan.

Not too long ago I teleported home and washed up in the shower. I was particular about what I had chosen to wash my body with, fearing that the wrappings that Riley had put on my arm would lose elasticity from the moisture. After I had gotten out of the shower, dirt and dried blood cleansed from my body, the wrappings held firm, if not a little bit moist.

It was well pas 8:00, which was when Carissa usually sat down on the couch and watched old re-runs of Wipeout. We were there on the couch now, splayed about lazily. My arm was still throbbing slightly, but the bandages wrapped around my elbow were as taught as they had been in the beginning. I was afraid to take them off lest I start dripping--and not in a good way. I had changed into a t-shirt and jeans, trying to look as mature as possible. I didn't want anyone looking sideways at me in the bar wondering if I was old enough to be there. Would they card at the door? Would they card me if I only bought a drink? I wasn't planning on drinking, especially because it was illegal for someone my age. I wasn't scummy enough to ask Carissa for a fake ID, especially since she would be suspicious about it.

I sideglanced at her as she chuckled at the TV. Now it was time to execute my plan.

"I need to use the restroom," I stretched on the couch and got up. "I need to release the Hershey Squirts."

Carissa wrinkled her nose and threw a pillow at my head. "Why do you have to be so vulgar? If you gotta take a shit, take one! Don't tell me about it!"

I giggled and walked towards the bathroom. As I closed the door and looked in the mirror my heartbeat started to thrum in my eardrums. Was I going to do this? Last time Carissa was asleep, and there was, like, no way for her to know that I was gone.

It wasn't hard to decide that I was going to go. I was dying to get out of the eagle eye that Carissa had on me. It was as if this event fell into my lap, just begging for me to go. Tonight was going to be great!

I, excited, closed my eyes and focused on the pub that I had gazed into yesterday. Where would I teleport where no one could see me? Certainly not in front of the pub, someone was bound to see me appear out of thin air. That wouldn't be good. Perhaps the hallway outside the apartment? No light touched there, I couldn't teleport there. I concentrated some more. There, I thought. An alleyway across the road. Surely nobody would notice me if I appeared there?

I opened my eyes and inspected myself once more. Was I normal enough? I traced my jaw and inspected my face for blemishes. Once I made sure that I looked acceptable I envisioned the pub and concentrated. With a pop and a whoosh of air, I ended up on my ass in a cold alleyway.

I shivered as I looked up at the moon. It was strange how the moon that I would have seen in Park City was the same as the one that I saw now. I pushed myself up and brushed myself off. My pants were scuffed and my bandages had a few spots of dirt on them, but it was nothing compared to earlier today.

Flashing lights drew my eyes from my body to across the street. O'Reilly's bar was lit up with the neon signs I recognized earlier, throwing a wild display of colors across the concrete and asphalt. Red and blue from the open sign leaked light onto the pavement outside, making the interior hard to see. I checked myself once more and started across the street. As I got closer, I could see a band playing inside. Dull bass seeped out of the bar, making my teeth vibrate. Jesus, they're loud.

Luckily there was no one carding me at the door and I was able to walk right in. I surveyed the square restaurant. Booths lined the exterior of the non-windowed walls while a long table set against the windowed front of the place was periodically paired with tall chairs. No one gave me a second glance as I inched along the perimeter of the room to find a spare chair in the corner where the two walls met. A colorful Corona neon light sat behind me, blocking the view from outside. Right in front of the neon light was perfect; nobody would see my golden eyes or veins in the dimly lit bar. Most wouldn't even give me a second glance. I had chosen a good place.  I turned my attention towards the band.

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