Chapter 26

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I had never woken up more well rested in my life, or so I told myself.

The next morning I came to with heavy arms wrapped around me. During the night Grahm and I had kicked the covers down to our waists. I squirmed my body around to face him and untangled our legs. A small grunt came out of his nose. The early morning light sent a dim grey glow through my windowsill, providing me with a dim silhouette of the man I was sleeping with. I tucked my head under his arm and rested it on his shoulder. My eyes adjusted to the light and singled out the glow from the alarm clock; it was only 7:00. We had time before we had to get up—which also gave me time to wrap my arms around his torso and close my eyes once more to snooze.

Grahm shifted under my grip after what could have been either minutes or hours. "Scott?" He rasped, his voice all husky from the night.

"Hmm?" I replied, angling myself up to look at the shadow of his face. He slid his head down to face me. I could feel his steady breath blow against my cheek.


Warmth ballooned in my chest, indifferent to what I felt with Adam. "How did you sleep?"

The feeling of his thumb gently rubbing my arm sent goosebumps up my spine. I shivered sand propped myself up on my elbow.

"I slept well," I rubbed my eyes to clear my vision a bit. "It was a bit warm though." I saw Grahm smirk. With sly movements he started to prod my side and tickle me. I struggled to stay quiet as laughter bubbled up in my chest. No matter how much I pushed and writhed he still had a iron grip on my sides. "Stop, stop! I cant b-b-breathe!" I crowed. Grahm relented and smothered me with a bruising kiss.

This kiss was like no other that I'd ever experienced. More than my first with Adam. More than my first in 6th grade, when I had to spend seven minutes in heaven with some girl from the other homeroom class in my grade. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my body against his. I felt him catch his breath when I did that and resigned to gluing my body to his. I pulled away after a minute, my lips sore. I curled my legs around Grahm's and gently tapped my nose against his.

"So what do you have going on for the rest of today?" Grahm asked, resting his weight on his forearms. The heat from his body was all-encompassing.

"Nothing but sorting through that stack of papers," I complained and jerked my head towards my desk. "You?"

Grahm pressed his body against mine. "Well, since there's no funky stuff going on," he mocked my words from last night, "I'm pretty sure that I have absolutely nothing going on today." His voice was lowered to a purr. I trembled under the weight of his words. I looked over to the lamp and flicked it on to get a better view of him.

What made a fire light inside of me was the infatuated face of Grahm. His face and lips were red from our kiss. If his pupils weren't the same color as his eyes I would be sure that they would be bloated. He leaned down and gently kissed my cheeks, my eyes, and down my neck. I carded my fingers through his sleep-messy hair as he planted soft kisses on my collarbones and made his way back up to give me a surprising and soft kiss on the lips. I was quivering under him, and if he would have made the offer, I would have been his at that moment.

How could I miss this? How could I be so infatuated with someone else that I could deny how I felt about Grahm? Was it maybe some sick, twisted reality in my mind that I liked Adam only because he reminded me of Grahm—or Pitch?

Adam had never been in my bed like Grahm was. He had never kissed me like Grahm did. He didn't make me feel like I was on fire and make every single inch of my skin flush red with desire. I had been a fool to fall under Adam's spell.

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