Chapter 23

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"Please tell me this is a joke, Adam," I deadpanned. It sounded awkward in this situation, but I couldn't think of anything else to say. The silence in the room was deafening. I squeezed my fist. The sound of my gloved fingers rubbing together added some semblance to the silence. It occurred to me that I was in my superhero suit. No matter what happened today, Adam for sure knew I was Zeus.

I knew what Adam was going to do just a second before he lunged.

Adam dropped what he had in his hands and shot for the bathroom. He reached for the sink, but before he could my instincts took over. I shot out a streak of sizzling electricity which hit him in the gut and sent him flying into the frosted glass door of the shower. The shower door shattered and crashed like thunder. Adam went limp for a second as the larger shards of glass shattered on the floor around him. My heart stopped.

Adam was in my shower, covered in glass and bleeding. The wings on his back twitched and his eyes flew open almost immediately. He lay there and stared at me, motionless. He offered me a starving smile that didn't reach his eyes. They were blank and emotionless and full of sharp obsidian. My hands trembled slightly. "What are you doing here?" I hoarsely whispered. Adam gave no response. He just stared. "Why do you having wings? Why were you in my closet? What were you doing?"

Adam's face was cut up and bleeding in several places, including one gash under his left eye that looked alarmingly deep. His estranged smile made the gash bleed more, painting half of his face red. "How else do you think someone would get a tracker on you?" He asked, almost mockingly.

I felt like I had been punched in the gut when I heard these words. He planted the tracker. He betrayed me. He used me. Was he working for Blanch? I glared at him, trying to look tough. My hands trembled. His cold eyes glared back at me, blazing with malicious intent. Eyes that I could never have imagined were able to harbor such malice. I was a fool. How could I let anyone into my life like this? Why did I expect my relationships to be the same as everyone else's? I tried and failed, and it came at the price of my team's discovery. "...Adam?" I whispered.

"Don't call me that!" He snapped.

I heard some shuffling outside the door and a muffled voice that sounded alarmed coming from my mother's room.

"Scott?" Her voice sounded far away. I was sure that she was pulling herself out of bed at this moment. "Is everything O.K? I heard a crash." The sound must have woken her up. I turned my head to the door, and when I looked back at Adam he wasn't there. All that was left was water running down the drain. It made a hollow sound as water filtered through the small squares and out of sight. Where did he go? Where did the water come from?

The doorknob rattled. 'Scott, honey, are you O.K?" My mother's voice came from the other side of the door. "Was that glass?" I kept my eyes on the shower.

"I'm O.K," I replied warily. I could imagine my mother's panic. I silently hoped that she would just go back to bed, but to no avail. "I just fell." The doorknob rattled again. I stared at the scene in the shower. Shattered glass was a doppler effect on the tile, highly concentrated near the shower itself and spreading out across the floor.

There was no way that I could hide the glass door of the shower. I just had to accept that. No doubt my mom would be both worried about me and angry at the same time. I had no choice but to accept her wrath. I had to get out of my supersuit.

The banging my mother created on the door made it seem like it was the sound of a coffin lid as I undressed. My mind raced on everything that I had just seen. Adam. Adam had wings. Adam had wings like Pitch. A memory came to mind.

"His name was John," Pitch said, looking out across the cityscape, "He had black hair and blue eyes, just like I did, before I know."

Scott Mason: Gay Superhero (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now