Chapter 22

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I woke up the next morning to the sunlight leaking between my blinds. Music was still playing on my phone, percolating tunes into the morning air. I turned my weary eyes to the alarm clock. It was 10:00. I wanted to stay in the bed but knew that I had chores to do. Saturday could never be a relaxing day. I shifted in my burrito of covers and saw a folded note on my nightstand that I didn't recognize.

I blearily picked it up with weak fingers and looked over it.


I really liked last night, but I heard what I believed to be your mother coming home early in the morning, so I left. Call me so we can talk.


I blinked. Graham? Who was that? Then it hit me. The morning weariness ripped off me like a veil as all my memories came back. I had fooled around with Pitch last night--or Grahm. Or whatever! What would have caused me to do that? How could I be so foolish?! I felt my heart speed up. I never thought that I had these feelings. Well, more like I ignored them. Besides, what would Adam think about all of this? I froze.

Adam. A sudden weight came crashing down on my chest. I cheated on Adam. How could I? Why would I? What would possess me to do something so terrible? A heavy feeling settled in my chest.

I was trembling now, but for a different reason than last night. I was a terrible person. Why couldn't I have just left Pitch alone and dealt with my own problems? I didn't need his help. All this could have been avoided if I had just been less of a little bitch and sucked it up.

I heard my phone buzz and picked it up to look at it. The dark feeling in my chest got worse. There was a notification from Facebook, but right under it were texts from Adam that were sent last night. How could I bring myself to talk to him? Would I even be able to look him in the eyes? I felt my face burn.

Hey, how's the rest of your night so far?

Well, have a good night! Sleep well :) <3

There was no good morning text—he must have not woken up yet. I rolled out of bed and ignored the texts out of guilt. What about when Monday came around? Would I be able to hold it together at school? Should I tell him? Could I tell him?

I went around my chores around the apartment and finished by noon. I didn't listen to music. I didn't check on my mother. I just thought. I was filled to the brim with anxiety. It felt like a rope was tying knots in my chest, getting tighter and tighter by the second. I made my way back to my room and looked at my supersuit on the floor.

What have I done? I asked myself. I knelt slowly and picked it up. Had I just ruined one of the best opportunities of my life? I buried my head in my suit and cried. I let the tears flow and berated myself for my stupidity. There was nothing that I could do now the deed was done. I kept crying until it felt like I had wasted all the tears that my body had to give. I pulled my head out of the suit and sniffed loudly.

Then I noticed something. Part of the suit that I had my hands on had something hard inside one of the hems. I wiped my eyes and inspected it with more interest. With difficulty, I turned the whole suit inside out so that I could get a better look. It was just under the hem. I didn't remember it being there before, so I took a risk and dug at the seam and picked until it came loose and easy to pull away. From the inside of the hem, I pulled out a small, circular disk attached to some wire. I sensed a small and nearly imperceptible electrical current running through it.

A tracking device.



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