Chapter 14

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[Will's POV]

"Hello, William," a cool baritone voice emanated from the corner of the room. I jumped out of fright and then turned around. What I saw had me in awe.

I gasped when I stepped out of the shadows. When I say 'I', I actually mean, like, actually me. A mirror image. Black hair, gray eyes, tall, handsome. You know, the works.

There was one window in the room, and moonlight was streaming down through it, slicing across the Then, disgustingly, my doppelgänger's skin fell off. It seemed like I was melting for a second. My mirror image's cheeks drooped and eventually started to tear away from the bone when they reached the shoulders. Then, all the skin came off in long, wet, thick sloppy flakes that slapped onto the cold, stone ground, and underneath was someone that I've never seen before.

A super.

She was pretty, with green eyes and golden hair that cascaded down her shoulders. She wore a pretty red dress that clung to her body. She had curves...everywhere. Her skin was flawless, and her body....I nearly drooled, but I tried not to look at her, or look stupid.

I swallowed, my throat dry. "Who are you?" I asked, puffing out my chest so that I looked bigger (not that this was the time to make myself look good, but a time to make myself look imposing) I suddenly felt vulnerable because of my lack of clothes. She smirked.

"I'm Switch, what about you, golden boy?" She asked calmly. She stood there. Something tugged at my mind. Switch. That sounded familiar. It was like I had heard that name recently. Or used that word a lot. Switch. Switch. Switch. I kept repeating the word in my head.

I decided to play it cool and use my middle name. I was talking to a stranger, after all.

"I'm John." I stepped forward and put out my hand, but as soon as I did that, something invisible and extremely powerful shocked me. My body tensed up and cramped, ripping a painful groan from my throat as I fell to the ground. The world went blurry, and it split into two's and three's for a few seconds. I tasted copper in my mouth, and it was hard to breathe. My head throbbed, and every heartbeat felt like someone was pounding my head with a baseball bat. I heard laughing.

I lifted my head up, looking at two people now. One was a man, who had short brown hair and crow's feet around the corners of his eyes. He was smiling. The other was the girl, who was giggling. I looked around at where I reached out my hand but saw nothing. My arms trembled as I tried to get up, but I slumped back down to the ground.

"Let's leave him," the man said, turning to the woman and whispering something inaudible to her ear. My vision went blurry again, and I saw both the man and the woman walk back into the shadows. I heard a heavy door close, and then everything went black.


Drip. Drip. Drip.

My eyesight slowly returned, and I was facedown on the floor. I groaned, and braced my hands underneath me, pushing myself up onto my knees. Tiny grains of rock stuck to my cheek from the cold stone floor beneath me, which I brushed off. The window in the corner emitted no light from the outside anymore, but the room was still dimly lit by an unknown source. There was a big metal door on the opposite side of the room.

I pushed myself up onto my feet and walked over to the window. There were no bars, and no sound in the room but my heartbeat and the blood rushing in my ears. The window was about the size of my torso. I couldn't see out of it; all I could see was a starry sky and a flat, black landscape. I reached my hand through, but halfway through the sill, I came to a blockage. I pressed my hand against the invisible barrier and pushed, but it gave no way. I huffed, retreated, and turned back around to the room.

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