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Ichiro pov.

The next day I got up tired noticing that Reki wrapped an arm around me. At the sight of him I couldn't help but smile softly before I stroked his hair "Reki, wake up, I have to go home to get ready for school" I gently shake his shoulder to wake him up, but when he was awake he just grumbles and pulls me closer to him, which made me laugh briefly "Only five more minutes" he mumbles sleepily, while he looks up tiredly. Since I couldn't say no I just sigh and wait for the five minutes to end. As he promised, he lets me go, so that I could get up and go home, even if I was still a bit tired. Therefore I first get my uniform from the closet. Afterwards I go into the bathroom, undress and take a shower. I usually shower cold to wake up. I wash my hair shortly, because they look too greasy in my opinion. Finished I get out of, where I tie a towel around my waist, before I dry with a towel. Then I blow it dry and brush it before I looked at myself briefly in the mirror. I don't want to look like a complete idiot who can't manage to comb his hair. Then I put on my uniform and walk out of the bathroom to the door where I put on my shoes. While tying a bow I get a message from Reki. He says that he is waiting for me at the usual place. I quickly grab my skateboard and run out of the apartment. On the street I immediately jump on my skateboard, before I quickly drive to the our place. In the process, I did some tricks and skillfully dodge people. Arrived at the spot I hug Reki briefly, before we drive to the school around the bet. Since I won, he had to buy me food today. Sighing, he goes to class, followed by me. I sit down in my seat almost next to Reki, took out my headphones to put them in my ear so that no one disturbs me. I start the music. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch a few classmates walking towards Reki. They're probably teasing him about his injury. They have always done that but since it's Reki we are talking about I know that he can handle it. Suddenly, Reki's eyes get big and he asks something, which make the others go to their seats. He probably asked them if they wanted to see his drawings. Poor Reki. After the school bell rings, I take my headphones out of my ear, take out my stuff and look ahead to the teacher. He comes into the classroom followed by a blue-haired boy before placing the class book on the desk. He then writes a name on the board. Hase-... Ah Hasegawa Langa. A unique name. The blue-haired boy looks neutrally at the class and is asked to introduce himself. He only mentions his name and when he is asked again, he also mentions that he is from Canada. Tough boy. I wonder if he can manage to make friends.

After school Reki gets me two packs of Pockys in a candy store nearby achool which I immediately start to eat. "I really wonder how you can stay so thin with all that candy" immediately I punch my elbow into hid side which makes me groan painfully "Baka. Pockys are a gogo. Besides, I work out unlike you. You're just skating" he looks at me offended and put his Hand theatrically on his chest. I simply laugh as I walk into the the Skate where we work. I go to work immediately as usual and especially help Reki today since he is injured after all. He told Oka about the new student we had. We were putting things on the shelf when he dropped something "The arm again?" I ask, slightly worried, as I continue to put things away. "It's fine" he says, but both Oka and I  know that's not true. He had a really bad fall. Shaking my head, I continue until Oka sends us to the warehouse for a customer. When we're done we go out and skate a bit for distraction. Reki with his old one and I with my normal skateboard. At some point we both get off our boards before Reki's rolls away. Sighing, I run after it and watch it roll past our new classmate. "Hey, stop it please" he looked briefly at me and then ran after the skateboard. The moment he got it he looked at it while Reki finally comes up to too. Immediately he sees Langa sight at the skateboard. Grinning he asked if Langa wanted to try it. First our new classmate refused, but finally he wants to try it as well. He puts one foot on the board and slowly lifted the other. He's going to fall. Not even before ending this thought he loses his balance and the skateboard slides away. I squeeze my eyes shut for a moment as he fell and looked at him afterwards. While Reki was laughing at him, I just took a new pockystick and shoved it in my mouth. When Langa gets upset during Reki's laughing comment that you can't stand on it I go to the rolled away skateboard, turn it around, take a swing before I do an ollie over it "Works" I say and take another Pockystick to eat. Langa just looks at me wide-eyed until Reki starts talking about picking him out a beginner skateboard at the store we work at, to which Langa doesn't even respond. He instead stands up while asking how much Reki earns. By Reki's look, he explains his situation, at which I smirk. So he's looking for a part-time job. As if on cue, our boss stepped in. "You're looking for a side job? I have one" Offended, Reki looks at Oka-san who, standing behind Langa, begins to explain what the side job is all about. Apparently a customer came in earlier and ordered a skateboard to be delivered this week in the evening. "...But neither Reki nor I can make it there. Besides, I know that Ichiro really doesn't like to get out of bed for this kind of thing," Sherlock says, while Reki says indignantly that he will. But Oka-san only asks if Langa has a driver's license. When Langa answers yes, Oka asks if he wants the hourly wage, whereupon Reki again desperately says that he will make it. "I'll do it," suddenly comes from Langa. "Hey decide that ni-..." "I'll do it" Langa interrupts him, while I sigh again, before I go back to the store. Shortly after, the other three come back and sit down. After a short silence, Oka-san starts to explain to Langa what he has to do, which means he tells him that he has to go to the address he gives him at midnight to deliver the skateboard. When Langa asks why it can't be done during the day, the now slightly irritated Reki says "No, for this delivery it's at night because the gates don't open until midnight" "Gate?" Oh man, now Oka-san starts explaining it more interesting than it actually is again. "There must be skateboard races... They're special races that take place in an abandoned mine. Only participants can enter. What are they called? „S"!" While Reki still looks bad, Langa is somehow not at all convinced of these races. Meanwhile, Oka-san explains that he would normally go, but unfortunately he doesn't have time that day "Because of women's stories" Reki and I said with a deadpanned look. "No, it's not!" he defended himself. "It's the childcare worker from that other day!" Reki asked in surprise. Sighing, I look to the two of them while Langa went to play with Oka's little friend Fox. I listened to the other two and watch Langa. "Broke my ass" I muttered as Reki gets upset for lying. "You don't joke about that! Not even as a shopkeeper!" Suddenly Langa yelled in pain, which made us all look at him again. Reki grabbed Fox's arm, which was a bad idea since he bit him too, causing him to yelp. Fox jumps on Okas arm grinning smugly while praising him. Then after everything was discussed I looked to Langa and was about to invite him to go with us to the café where me and Reki always relaxed after work, but Reki held his hand in front of my mouth when he knew what I was about to do. "Well then, see you at school tomorrow" he says kindly and pulls me out "What are you doing Reki?" I mutter slightly annoyed while he just looks away in a huff. "Going to the café with you after work is our thing, besides he doesn't seem like he cares about the topics we're talking about" I don't know if it was just me but somehow a bit of jealousy resonated in his tone. "Alright... But if he's interested at some point or we're friends, he can come too, deal?" Reki looked me in the face again and saw that I wouldn't take no for an answer. "Deal," he sighed, before we went into the café as well.

In the evening, I lay in my bed and had been tossing and turning for at least an hour because I couldn't sleep. I sat up with a sigh before looking around in confusion because I heard a vibration from somewhere in my room that wasn't coming from my cell phone. Sighing, I got up to get to the bottom of the noise. After some walking back and forth in my room, I'm now standing in front of my closet where I look up and see a box with probably some old stuff of mine in it. So I take a chair, climb on it, grab the box and then pull it from my closet. It is heavier than I thought. Carefully I put it down on the floor of my room before opening it. I realized which box it was. It was the one with my old things from my time as a Joker, which means there are my skateboard and the clothes that I always wore back then and a broken Joker mask that I destroyed during a fight and then glued back together or repaired as well as I could. When I took out the mask and put it back into the box I noticed something small and black. It was the cell phone that I always used back then. I think I was 13 or 14 years old. I take it and flip it open, only to see a thousand messages displayed. I started reading them from the bottom. They were mostly from Joe and Cherry, who made it their business to look out for me when they found out my age. In the beginning they were messages like: How are you? or Haven't seen you at the S for a long time, but the further up I went the more concerned the messages from the two of them became. They even begged me to come back to the S or at least to contact one of them. I should give a sign of life from me. I think the they probably heard about the rumor that I skated against Adam, because they even started asking if I was still alive. Reading all these messages made me shed tears. I never wanted to skate again, but Reki made me love skateboarding again. All these four years they were worried about me because I had banished everything that belonged to Joker in the back corner of my life. Even my former best friend had not heard from me, because I had broken off all contact with her, through this cell phone. I read through all the messages until late at night and felt compelled to answer them, even though it had been four years. After all, they never stopped writing to me all these years. The last two replies were from today.


Hey kiddo,Wow, it's been four years since you've been in touch. A lot has changed here at the S mine site. The community of it has grown more and more over the years so you see a new face almost every night and more and more beefs are held. If you were still here you would probably be challenged by everyone, starting with me and Cherry, because after all we never seriously raced a beef against each other in all that time. I heard a beef the other day from a boy named Reki, tell me, didn't that friend you were always talking about have that name too? Would be too funny if he is here now. Maybe I'll ask him about you Joker when I get a chance. Well, that's it.Joe


Hello Joker, I'm sorry that I haven't written you a message for a long time. There's a lot going on at work at the moment, which is why I haven't been able to write. I'm sure Joe has already told you about S's development. What he says is even true, even if this womanizer probably exaggerated way too much again. I don't want to take up too much of your time so I'll keep it short. If you should actually read this message, I want to ask you to let me see S at least one more time. I finally want to convince myself that you are alive and well. I will go to S again today. I hope to see you there.Cherry

I smiled slightly. Those two never stopped believing in me, even though I never contacted them again. Sighing now I take a piece of paper and think about what to write to them for the rest of the night.

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