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Ichiro pov.

After I finished, I looked at Reki. He looked very angry. Sadly I look at my hands and slowly stand up "I-I can understand if you are angry now.... so I'll leave you alone for now" I mutter and walk over to my skateboard to pick it up. As I stand up to leave I was suddenly hugged from behind. What? Surprised I stopped while Reki his face in my shoulder. "I'm sorry... I never knew what you were going through in reality. It was selfish of me to be so mean to you... I had no idea" my eyes widen slightly before I close them again smiling slightly before gently placing my hand on his hair and stroking it. "You are incorrigible Reki. Thank you for existing" He hugs me closer and laughs lightly "Oh really? Am I?" I turn to him and take his face in my hands "Thank you for saving me" I say smiling. But when that made him blush I put my head to the side confused. Then my cell phone rang. It was my dad. With a bad feeling I answered it, only to hold it far away from my ear because of his yelling. I quickly hang up and look at Reki who is already rolling around on the floor laughing "Reki, that's not funny. He'll kill me when I get home" I say with a sigh, while Reki gets up "Then just come with me today. We have to take the skateboard away later anyway" Wait I hadn't agreed to that after all. "Reki, I absolutely have to go with you. Especially after yesterday I don't feel the need to go-" "You go. You can't always run away from your problems. If your friends were really real friends then they will still like you even if you have changed" I sigh and look at him. He's right, but I had just confronted Joe with everything yesterday. I'm sure he hasn't come to terms with it yet, and since he knows, I'm sure Cherry knows too. I am torn from my thoughts when Reki grabs my hand and walks with me to the school building. We get a long lecture from the teachers before we are allowed to go to class late. As we enter our class, all eyes are on us. Who can blame them, we are late and that is, especially for me, very untypical. We sit down, me in front and Reki next to Langa who looks at us confused "Personal problems" I whisper as I sit down, to which he just nods understandingly and doesn't ask further" I quietly take out my things and start listening to the lessons.

After school is over, I go with Reki to his home, where I immediately get out my PSP and throw myself on his bed. I had already put my bag down in the hallway and I had already taken off my shoes there as well. Just as I was about to start playing Reki takes my PSP out of my hand "Hey, what's this?" I pout slightly and raise my hands to get to my PSP but since Reki wasn't sitting on the bed at that moment but standing I couldn't reach it. "Get changed first, you don't want to stay in your school uniform all the time, do you?" sighing, I close my eyes and shake my head before I get up, go to his closet, take out some clothes and disappear into the bathroom. There I undress and look at myself in the mirror. "Damn it looks worse than I expected" sadly I stroke the bruises that appeared yesterday. Kitagawa has already apologized a thousand times after the fight, but it still doesn't change the fact that they are there, branding me. I wonder what would have happened if Reki hadn't been injured and Langa hadn't had to help him out. I quickly shake my head. It doesn't matter. Finished changing, I go back to Reki who is typing away on his cell phone "Who are you texting with?" I ask as I walk up to him. He shows me his screen and I read "Langa?" he nods slightly "He asked when he should come by today to pick us up" immediately my smile disappears "I don't know if I'm ready to go there again" I feel a hand on my wrist and then I'm pulled onto Reki. Now I was sitting on Reki's shot and had my hands resting on his chest. This was not an atypical pose for us, even though it was embarrassing to be seen like this by his sister, since she always thinks we look like a couple. I look down at Reki and smile slightly. He smiles gently at me before his hand goes from my wrist to my hair and strokes it gently "You can do it. I'm sure you will... And if not, I'm here. I promised you then to always be there for you" immediately I have to smile slightly again. Then I take my phone and just lay on top of him before I start to play a game "Where did you actually put my PSP?" he silently points to his table and closes his eyes while I nod understanding. "Ah good to know" I turn back to my game until the door goes off. My gaze slides to where Reki's sister is standing "Reki, mom said that Ichiro is -" apparently she now realizes what position we were in and started grinning "..here" She finished her sentence and looked at us carefully. It was bound to happen. Annoyed, I put my phone away and bury my face in Reki's chest, whereupon he strokes my hair again. "Are you together?" I hear from his sister and grumble. "No, and I've told you a thousand times. Ichiro and I are just best friends" I nod in agreement and close my eyes. "Oh man, would have been too good too. Oh yeah why I'm here actually. I was wondering if you could tutor me tomorrow Ichiro. I'm not doing so well in math at the moment" I briefly think about whether I have something planned for tomorrow. Since nothing spontaneously came to mind, I gave her a sign that signaled it was ok. "Why don't you ask me?" now she starts to laugh "Reki, you know that I also give you tutoring in math or" I say and lift my head. Reki now scratches his head in embarrassment and laughs nervously "Oh yeah, there was something" I laugh lightly and rest my head on his chest. His sister went again leaving us alone. "I'm going to get some sleep ok?" Reki nods and I close my eyes. After some time I got more and more tired until I finally fall into a dreamless sleep (like the picture above).

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