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Ichiro pov.

On Sunday evening, the time has finally come. Me and Langa stand across from Miya and wait for Reki to finish building the board. To the left of us stands a woman with a flag in her hand, who will declare the Beef open. Whether it is because of Miya, I do not know, but somehow I have the feeling that we are only puppets, which their puppeteer, who knows everything certainly not. Slowly everyone standing around us realizes that Langa is the rookie who competed against Shadow back in the day "The one rookie is competing?" "Huh? The duct tape guy" come from the onlookers. "He doesn't even have a board with him" many state in shock and accuse Langa of forgetting or not having the guts to do it, which pisses me the hell off and makes me angry. I tense up and clench my hand into a fist. I absolutely cannot stand it when my friends are insulted, falsely accused, or made into martyrs. All of a sudden, a warm hand rests on my fist. Astonished, I look to her and then to Langa, who smiles gently at me. "Calm down, we know how it really is. I'm sure Reki will be there soon" sighing I nod and relax slightly. Langa has a real calming effect on me too. "This is so absurd, I can't even laugh" Miya interferes now too. I turn to him but say nothing "Are you serious?" now Langa also turns to him "I haven't forgotten, it's just being finished" when I hear footsteps from far away I turn in that direction. Because of my reaction Langa also looks to the side and recognizes Reki, who runs towards us breathing heavily and then stops in front of us. He presses the board to Langa's chest and looks up, "Here it is. Skate so that the shreds fly" Langa looks at him in surprise, but quickly becomes serious again and nods "You want to ride it right off the bat? The power of friendship is really embarrassing" surprised I look at him, but does this sentence also confirm my suspicions. Apparently something really happened between him and his friends. Depressed I look at my friends who look at me and then just nod encouragingly "I can do this" thankfully I nod and was about to go to the edge until I notice Joe and Cherry and walk towards them. "I've decided. What our bet is" I stop and turn around "If I win, your friends become my dogs" shocked I falter and look over at Miya who grins briefly "Your dogs? Why us anyway?" grinning Miya looks to Langa. "Your very best friends are becoming lap dogs and it's your fault. But if I lose, I'll become your dog or cat. What do you say?" at Langa's look I recognize his answer and sigh. "Am in" "Nothing there "Am in"! Don't answer there by yourself!" reki jumps on Langa and shakes him around. "I'm looking forward to returning the favor for your sudden disappearance, puppy" Miya now says to me dishes which sends a cold shiver down my spine. "We'll see" I say to him and walk over to Joe and Cherry who want to make a bet "You think Miya will win too" I hear Cherry say "What, we think the same? " Joe asks slightly annoyed "I'm betting on Langa" I interject making them both wince "Ichiro" "Joker" they both shout which makes me sigh "Not so loud" they nod and look at me "Like I said, I'm betting on Langa" Joe starts to grin and bets against it. The bet is a free meal for me and a trick for him that I show him "Well then yard Miya won't beat him up" "He won't, don't worry. With the new skateboard, he can finally really let loose. I'm looking forward to dinner" I grin. It was nice to finally be able to talk to them normally again. In the last weeks I was often here and had first talked to both of them and then approached them again. And that's how we ended up talking normally again. "Oh, and I didn't tell you to call me Ichiro?" I look at Joe with a death stare and a frightening aura, which makes him apologize "Nobody can tame a tiger like you" Cherry grins at me "If you say so" I look ahead "It's starting" I say "See you at the finish" I wave as I walk back to Reki. From there I watch the start and get in Reki and Shadow's car. "What are you guys just getting in here?" "Let us with" immediately Shadow starts yelling around he is not a cab service. And that we should get out. Sighing I close my eyes "Much too loud" in the end he takes us with him. When Langa then got going Shadow asks "What's going on with the skateboard?" asks Shadow after a while, to which Reki grins proudly "To make it skate sideways like snowboarding, I rebuilt it with Ichiro's idea so that the wheels turn in the direction of travel. That means less strain no matter which way the nose swings" smiling I open my eyes and watch them both closely. "Are you serious? You can't really ride straight on there anymore." I nod slightly and lean forward "That's right, normally you can't do something like that. I think Langa is the only one who can skate with this crazy board." After he finishes speaking he opens the window and yells something to Langa. I also lean out the window slightly and see a slightly pained look, but it is quickly replaced by an angry one. This is going to be a tough beef. Langa what- He didn't seriously get you after all. Yes he did, he shifted his speed and jumped up against a tree. That guy, he's killing me with worry. Then Miya tenses up pretty badly and takes a lot of swing. He doesn't want to. And again my suspicions are not wrong. A shortcut my a railside on the uneven inside. As an instructor I should be proud, but somehow he does it differently than I showed him. "pass them grandpa" I hear from Langa and am torn from my thoughts. "I'm only 24!" comes yelling again so I cover my ears. Shadow overtakes the two and drives into the end zone. Once there, we quickly get off and Reki recalls to him what his skateboard has to offer. Immediately he smiles and makes an ollie onto the terrain, where he then goes down with an kunststuck. Eventually he wins and run up to him to give him a stormy hug "That was totally awesome" Embarrassed Langa looks away while Reki just praises his skateboard, whereupon Langa starts to pout afterwards. "How could I lose" now I look at Miya and break away from Langa "Miya you know it's like I've always told you... To win you have to have fun first and foremost" angrily he looks at me "Fun? One has fun. It was actually fun. At first at least, but... the better I got... the lonelier I get. Eventually everyone will leave me" Reki walks up to him and flicks against his forehead "Are you stupid or what?" "What?" "They're not all like that?" "But even Ichiro left me suddenly" immediately I look sadly at the ground. "Miya, I don't think he wanted to leave you, but there was a traumatic experience that kept him from seeing you again. Now Miya looks at me and sees emotions in my eyes that he didn't see before. Guilt, despair, sadness. All these emotions can only be seen in the eyes of others if you have felt them yourself. Miya walks towards me but is stopped by Langa's voice "Miya, I really had fun" Reki grins and looks back at Miya who only looks at me calmly "Miya, I'm sure we won't leave you again" I lift my head and smile softly at him. His eyes widen before they glaze over and he turns around. Smiling, I walk up to him and watch as Reki pinches his cheeks behind him and then pushes them apart and together for fun. Poor Miya. "Stop it Reki" "You're making a funny face like you always do" Langa and I speak in turn. We look at each other and start laughing at the same time. "What was that? You called my face funny" "I called it Unique" Langa defends herself, even though it wasn't. Miya, meanwhile, watches the spectacle. Suddenly he starts laughing which made me look at him. Finally, he smiles again. "Having fun skating?" That voice. Impossible. "You said something good there" my hands went cold and start shaking. I turn around and catch sight of "Adam"

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