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Ichiro pov.

After tag was, Langa's enthusiasm for skating awakened and he listened to Reki more attentively during the break as he told about skating. On the way home he asked us to stop at some point and wanted to try skating himself. Like the day before he stuck his feet on the skateboard. Meanwhile, Reki is still totally excited about the tricks Langa had done the day before and tries to recreate them on the ground as best he can. "Was that a snowboard trick?" Langa looks up as he finishes "Yes, that-" "-wasn't that a back side rodeo?" I ask at the same time he was about to answer whereupon his gaze slid to me. He couldn't see Langa looking at me, though, because Reki pokes him in the cheek with his finger in the rush of his excitement, whereupon Langa is a bit annoyed. "You're just MR. Homecoming from America" I sigh and shake my head, while Langa tells Reki that he is from Canada, but he doesn't care. Suddenly Langa stands up and gets ready to go down the hill "Langa are you sure you want to do it here, down there-" "Yes I want to do it here" he smiles at me as he closes his eyes. Is he mentally preparing himself? Confused, I look to him as he dramatically opens his eyes, saying "Let's go", and gets into position. I look at him expectantly, but he remains standing on the spot. Well, when your legs are tied, you can't give a push "Give it a push" he says and Reki walks up to him with a slightly disappointed look and pushes him. Immediately Langa starts "I wonder if that will work. I don't know if he can brake" and Langa had already disappeared around the corner whereupon I start to run and Reki calls after him" As I also turn around the corner I see Langa lying on the street and almost being run over. After that he just lies on the street and his soul leaves his body. Immediately I run to him and get him out of there "Man you're killing me" I mutter as I take him off his skateboard and then go up with him. Now we are sitting here, me on my cell phone and Reki starts to reprimand Langa "Man, what happened to your skills from yesterday?" since I am also interested in the whole thing I look up and look at the two. On Reki's further comment Langa remains calm. He looks like he wants to stand on a skateboard even more "Reki, lend me your board again after class" immediately I start to smile slightly. Reki has actually managed to awaken the enthusiasm for skating in a person again. But he is not completely satisfied with Langa's question and tries to talk him out of it because he almost died just now. Langa puts a hand on his school jacket and grabs it lightly, which only makes me smile more. It reminds me of the time Reki made me get on a skateboard. He had said that if I didn't like it at the end of the day he would never ask me again. At first it felt totally weird and wrong, but as the three of us practiced, it started to feel more fun again. Meanwhile my heart was beating faster and I couldn't stop. Probably Langa is feeling pretty similar at this moment eventually Reki agrees and squats down in front of Langa. "Are you really going to start skateboarding?" Langa picks up the skateboard and examines it from top to bottom. "I do" Langa breathes and I stand up. "I want to skateboard" he now means for sure as he looks at Reki. And that's how it all started. From that day on, Reki first taught him how to stand on a skateboard, and give momentum, as these are the basics of basics. Just as I was about to take some materials to the teachers' room I heard one of Reki's friends shouting "Reki, don't get caught!" from the window and I go closer. Below, I recognize Reki and Langa. Reki further ahead is showing Piece and Langa in the back is trying to get behind and not get caught by the teacher. As I look at the path in front of them I sigh "Poor Langa" and Langa is heard shouting that Reki didn't tell him how to make turns. When I see how Langa drives against the wall, I slightly grimace, because it looks really painful. After that I continue my way and hand in the notes. Shortly after I walk out, Langa is carried past me. Since I am class president, I was told to come along, so I follow them into the hospital room where they put Langa on the cot. When he wakes up, he holds his head and mumbles something like "If only Reki had taught me that", because I'm class president, I had to give him a telling off on behalf of the teachers. "...but I must say you learn fast" I say afterwards and then leave with the words that he should still lie a bit. I go back to class and tell Reki that he is not allowed to skate on the school grounds. However, he only laughs embarrassed and disfigures my hairstyle whereupon I hit him lightly before I fix my hair. He can be really stupid sometimes. Sighing, I listen to the lesson and write everything down twice so that Langa knows later what we have done. After the lesson I pick Langa up, give him the sheets of paper, for which he thanks me with relief, and go with him to Reki who goes with us to the skate park. Meanwhile I look at what new posts were on the S page. "Wow Langa you have become quite famous" I say before I show him all the posts. As always, there were all kinds. Things like "The rookie really has it" or "With duct tape? Is he serious?" or "Way too high... is he snowboarding or what?". Langa's fame status has risen enormously overnight. But Shadow's apparently declined. Most people claim that the Shadow era is over. Sighing, I also had to realize that there was a lot of talk about my beef with Joe, which I didn't like. Not that any Radom challenges me to a Beef. My attitude to these had finally still not changed. When we arrived at the skate park, I turn off my phone and start to practice for me while Reki Langa continues to teach. At some point I notice that someone is watching me and stop before I look around searching, whereby I spot a person. It was me a young woman holding her cell phone and looking up and down from it again and again. I pick up my skateboard and walk over to her "Can I help you?" I ask confused to which she flinches. "Uh, n-no no it's fine" embarrassed she starts laughing which only confuses me more. "Okay? But please don't stare at me like that, it makes me nervous" I say as I get on my skateboard and ride back to the others. The woman blushes embarrassedly and then continues walking briskly. Probably one who has seen the post with the picture of me like Reki. Or she was looking for Langa and recognized me by the way. Well never mind, I go back to the two I came here with and sit there on the floor while I watch them. At the end of the day Langa had quite a few injuries. His poor parents. I wonder what they think.

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