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Ichiro pov.

Shocked, I drop my skateboard. This can not be true. I am facing the legend that almost managed to make me give up skateboarding. I swallow hard as he looks at me with a grin and takes a step towards me. Immediately I stumble back two steps "Hach, my dear Joker. How long I've been waiting for you~" he purrs and leans down to me. Grinning, he holds out a black rose to me. I still can't quite move and stare stiffly at the mask. Around us, everyone is also looking at us in surprise, confusion, or shock. Reki, on the other hand, has a look on his face as if he were about to jump on Adam with a knife. In my eyes, however, you could probably read pure fear, which it looks like Adam is enjoying. Damn it, I swore I would never be afraid again. So why the hell can't I move now? I never want to feel this weak again. Never to be so scared again. "Damn it Ichiro," that voice. I only hear it muffled, but it reaches me anyway. Reki. When his voice reaches me, my heart warms. It gives me courage and strength. Oh yes, the reason why I wanted to become strong. The reason why I never have to be afraid again. I wanted it so he would never have to worry about me again. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before opening them and looking at Adam with a cold stare. I knock the rose out of his hand, onto the floor and step on it "Sure, you use the fact that I don't show up here as a joker to get close to me. You really disgust me" coldly I look into his slightly surprised face, but it quickly catches. "Hach, as rebellious as ever" he purrs again and hugs himself briefly. But then he gets serious again and looks at Miya "You're all blank again, aren't you, Miya?" the latter looks at Adam in surprise at first, but then quickly looks downcast. "Neither skateboarding, nor friends..." confused I look to Miya "...now you have nothing" immediately my eyes widen. That asshole. Protectively, I stand in front of him. Inside I was still scared, but right now my protective instinct was stronger than this. Miya looks at me in surprise as I just smile softly at him and then look back to Adam "Very well. Let's turn to more important things." Now he looks to Langa "I was watching you skate" immediately I widen my eyes. That's why I had such a weird feeling. So Adam was really goading Miya. Angrily I clench my fists. Grinning he continues towards Langa "It's wonderful. But if you correct your weight shift, you'll get even better" Still grinning and throwing a provocative look at me, he moves to stand behind Langa "For example, when you do an ollie... you should use your legs" he bends down to his feet "Can I reach?" as my fist clenches even more, my hand starts to shake and I dig my fingernails into my skin so that my palm is already starting to bleed slightly. I would love to push this pedophile of Langa and once a Runterhauen. But if Langa doesn't say anything, I can't possibly rush at him. "Wait a minute," immediately I look to Reki, who is also not too fond of the situation. "Take back what you said earlier," surprised Miya looks to him, while my gaze is slightly proud, but also fearful of him. He's not going to, is he? No, he must not repeat himself "And if I don't" I see the smirk on his face. So it is true. My fear has come true. We were all just dancing to his tune. "Reki please don't do it-" "Then I'll make you do it. With this" No, Reki why. Angrily I look at him but he doesn't even notice right now. Everyone around us starts cheering, I think I'm the only one at that moment who wants to punch them both in the face. "If I win, you will apologize to Miya" he immediately turns to Reki and says that he can save his pity, but I doubt that Reki has pity. His gaze turns to me and Miya. First to Miya and then to me, where he, as he recognizes my gaze that rests on him, swallows hard but doesn't change his mind. He looks forward again "This is not pity. Guys like him just make me want to puke, and besides, I don't have a score to settle with him." Now my look changes to surprise. Does he mean that he wants to get even for me? I walk up to him and take his hand "Reki please don't do that" "Hey now say something"  he only calls out to Adam. He ignores me completely. "If it were possible to see feelings through the eyes, what form would they have?" Damn it, that's what he said then, "I think they would be a spring. And in this spring the water level would be different from time to time." Elegantly he jumps on his skateboard and provokes Reki even more "Don't change the subject" "At the moment my spring has dried up" I grit my teeth. He says the exact same thing as he did then, which always reminds me how horrible the beef between my friends girlfriend and him was. Whenever I think about it, I get angry. "Because you don't arouse an inch of interest in me. However..." he trails off and circles Langa who is totally confused "it's welling up. It's literally bubbling up. And then in combination with Joker. Got it. We'll make you and my beloved Joker the bet. If I win, you'll be skating against me in the near future." My eyes widen while Reki also looks at the two of us in shock. "What do you say?" Langa looks up at Adam and has a serious expression "Agreed" that can be nods his serious "Hey! Langa! Are you still in your right mind" I am not thrilled with his answer either. The number of those I want to punch is growing "And what about you, beloved Joker~" when he calls me that I get a gag reflex. He comes running at me while I have to pull myself together to stay strong "Didn't I tell you then? I'll never fight you again because you're too hideous for me" I say coldly and then just walk out of the end zone still totally angry because of Langa and Reki. Cherry and Joe are already waiting in front of the end zone, but they notice from my look that I'm not in the mood and let me go. I leave the area and go home, where I first of all doctor my right hand, which was still bleeding. Meanwhile I got messages from Reki and Langa but I ignore them skillfully until the doorbell rings. Sighing, I open it and see "Reki".

Joker returns // Sk8 the Infinity x male ff //Where stories live. Discover now