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Ichiro pov.

"Well finally" I roll off the bed and walk over to the two to see what Reki is so eager to show. "Ah this kind of skateboard I've seen before" "The feet are fixed. So there are those kind too. So maybe I wouldn't be afraid anymore..." I smiled contentedly and look at Reki who probably had the same thought as me "Shall we build one?" he finally asks as the two look up whereupon Langa looks at him surprised. When asked if he can actually build something like that, he starts to smile and answers the question "The board you used in your beef against Shadow, I also built it myself. I also taught it to Ichiro and since then he's been helping me with ideas. He is already really good". Well, most of the ideas I suggest to you, you already had anyway and were just waiting for me to ask if we could try it out. Shaking my head, I just smiled. "You like slightly bigger decks better, don't you?" again Langa is surprised. Yes, Reki may not always stand out when skating, but he knows the most about it of anyone in the room. "He probably noticed when you were skating the other day" they both look at me. Reki proud and Langa very surprised. That expression probably won't leave his face anytime soon. "When we make the deck bigger, the wheelbase is also wider, which gives you a sense of stability" Reki enlightens him. I understand what he is trying to accomplish. Langa is struggling with the instability that Reki's skateboard has. But with a bigger deck, this disadvantage could be eliminated. When Reki asks directly Langa agrees "You really notice a lot" "He has eagle eye. That totally surprised me back then too" I laugh and look at Reki who now looks away embarrassed "Be glad that he's teaching you to skate. He can use his eagle eye to pinpoint your mistakes and help you correct them, that's probably why you're making so much progress in such a short time" "Please stop.... I'm not as special as you describe me" blushing he looks to the side "think what you want, for me you are exactly this special person I just described" I grin and try to look him in the face but he keeps turning it away. Langa next to us has a soft smile on her lips and watches the spectacle silently. At some point Reki has distracted from the topic and we go together behind the house, where he has his own little workshop. There he takes a piece of wood and looks at it briefly before nodding. "You can't buy a deck that fits you. We build it from this board" with that he goes to his work surface where I already give him the jigsaw. He thanks me while I'm already preparing the next things when I suddenly hear Reki talking "Don't be so impressed, think about the wheels!" confused Langa looks at him and then asks if the wheels are meant. "I'll do it. You continue here" He nods his thanks and walks with Langa to his desk "There are different wheels: The big ones are faster, but also heavier. The small ones are slower and lighter..." while explaining I point to a couple of wheels each. "When choosing the wheel you have to think especially about the track" "On the track" oh well, I'm not talking to Reki who already knows all that. I search briefly and then find a magazine. "Here..." I open it and show it to him "The one at the top is a longboard, use surfers and so often in the off season. The one at the bottom, is a cruiser, especially suited for riding around town. And the one me and Reki use is pictured in the middle. It's a street. For tricks, this is the one." Reki had stopped cutting the skateboard deck and took us inside at my request to show Langa the videos had. As Reki stares at the video you could see Langa's excitement growing the longer the video goes. I slowly but surely begin to recognize myself in Langa, which makes me smile slightly but also shudder. I was just as excited about skateboarding as he was back then. I just hope it doesn't end up like it did for me. Reki also recognizes the enthusiasm in Langa's eyes and starts to smile. The two of them are really cute together. "Of course you can skate everywhere, that's what skateboarding is all about" Reki laughs, pulling me out of my thoughts "Everywhere..." astonished Reki and I look at Langa who then explains "To be able to snowboard, you have to go to the mountains first. There has to be enough snow, but there can't be a snowstorm and the indoor facilities are too small." "But skateboarding can also be done at school" because of this comment I look at him angrily and hit him gently. "Also in the park and on the mountain" "In the morning and in the evening!" "Whether it snows or not" well snow wouldn't be so advantage Haft now, but I'd rather leave that comment. "Exactly" Reki jumps up and rips his arms in the air "No matter when, where or at what time! Skating always goes. The time, place and possibilities are endless when skating" Langa's eyes just steeled with excitement which made me laugh slightly. "You two are really cute" immediately they look shocked at me and blush slightly. "I hope no one will be able to break your friendship" I smiled softly. Both of them now look away embarrassed. What's wrong with them? I just told you the truth.

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