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Ichiro pov.

After talking with Langa, the hour passed quickly and the break came. Reki and Takabayashi were sent home for the day, which meant that Langa and I also sat together during the break and ate together "Do you want my bento? I'm not hungry" Langa's eyes widen and nodding enthusiastically he stares at my bento. Laughing lightly, I hand it to him and turn to my phone. I can't get Langa's words out of my head. Sighing, I close my eyes and try not to worry too much about it. The rest of the day went relatively quietly and together with Langa I drive home "See you tomorrow" I wave and then drive on to my house, in front of which I recognize a person. "Reki? What's wrong?" i get off my skateboard and walk the rest towards him. He takes his hood off his head and looks at me "I'm sorry..." confused I look at him "...that about today...and with the fight...I knew exactly that you've been through this whole thing before and completely ignored it" I sigh lightly and take him by the hand "Come inside for now" gently I pull him behind me and open the front door with my key. Together with him I go up to my room and put him on the bed. I myself sit down on a chair next to him "I'm so-" smiling slightly I put my index finger on his lips "It doesn't matter, it's not only your fault after all" now he looks at me confused "You know I know exactly why you made this beef. If it wasn't for the whole thing in the past I would have supported you right away too, but since it happened then I'm scared. I saw my one of my best friends being beaten up like that and immediately this image was burned into my brain again and connected with it. This man is dangerous, that's for sure, and that's why I didn't want you to make this beef" I sigh, not even taking my eyes off him. I'm glad I said it, even though it took a lot of strength from me. Now I see a light tear running down Reki's cheek. Shocked, I look at him and want to brush it away, but he holds my hand against his cheek and slowly nestles against him "Reki what-" "Please let us stay like this for a moment" I look at him in surprise but then nod with a smile "Ok" and so we remain in that position until Reki slowly removes my hand from his cheek and takes it in both of his hands "Ichiro, I can understand that you are still angry, but I beg you to be with me again. We are best friends. A quarrel like this mustn't separate us" he looks uncertainly into my eyes "Reki, ..." his gaze slides down "I've been thinking the same thing" now his head snaps back up "You know, without you, some things are no longer fun for me. Lately, both skating and a lot of other things, I've felt like an important part is missing. We are best friends. Even though I don't approve of your beef, ... I have to accept your decision and support you" slightly embarrassed I smile at him. Suddenly I am pulled into a tight hug. Smiling, I close my eyes and put my arms around him as well.

Now we are sitting on my bed. Both of us were dead serious. "Ichiro... about that Beef" he starts, to which I nod "I know... as I said before, I accept your decision, even if I don't like it" briefly I pause "either way you'd have to compete.... otherwise Adam will find a way to force this beef on you. When he wants something, he's even scarier than he already is" I say and look up at him worriedly "please don't take it personally, ... but I don't think you're much of an opponent for Adam... you're good, but he has much more experience than you" I sigh. Whenever I think of his skateboarding style, it sends a chill down my spine. "That's what I was thinking. I was going to ask Miya if he could help me learn some tricks that would give me an advantage. Besides, I still have the one you taught me" I look at him shocked "But you can't do that one you only succeed 3 times out of 10, that's less than 50%" he laughs embarrassed "I guess so" he scratches the back of his head embarrassed. Sighing I lean against him and close my eyes. "We'll have to come up with something. I don't want to turn you loose on Adam without training, because then it's going to be a pretty one-sided fight. I'll text Miya sometime and ask what if he has the next week until the Beef" Reki nods in agreement. Miya had visited me a few times after the fight with Reki and gave me his number. So I type on our chat before I write in asking Reki to teach me some of his tricks. "But I can't promise you anything ok?" I look up at him and look him straight in the eyes while he smiles and strokes a few strands from his face "If not, at least you tried" I smile slightly and then realize how tired I am "Please stay here today" I murmur before my eyes slowly fall shut again and again "I'd love to" I hear from him while I start to use him as my pillow and snuggle up to him. I still notice how he continues to stroke through my hair and then fall into a deep sleep.

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