Mama's Daycare

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"Baby!" I heard my wife yell from upstairs. I was in the kitchen whipping up some breakfast for the fam

My beautiful wife and I have been together for 15 years but married for 10 and I still get butterflies when I see her. We have four kids together, Jasmine and Justin who are 11, Christopher who is 6 and Bianca who is 10 months old

With Normani being a singer along with being a part time model and me being a producer, we were always busy but we never let our work get in the way of family time

I stopped what I was doing to attend to my wife, making my way up the stairs to our shared room I passed our youngest child's room and saw her standing up in her crib about to throw a fit

I walked in her room causing her smile up at me, I took her out of the crib and placed kisses all over her face as I continued the way to my room. By the time we got there she was a giggling mess. I saw Jasmine and Chris in our bed as Mani got ready to head out

"I thought today was your day off?" I asked my wife when I saw her putting on her make up, I honestly don't see why she even wears makeup, she's naturally beautiful 

"I know but I got called into a photoshoot and the babysitter is sick with the flu, so I need you to watch the kids for me while I'm gone" she said placing one of her many makeup brushes down and turning to me

She smiled but it got bigger when she saw Bianca in my arms "Hi my baby" she cooed taking her from me and showering her with kisses

"What about me?" I asked pouting

"You a whole woman, you don't need me cooing at you" Mani said before laughing and walking into the closet most likely to get her shoes to wear for the day

"Its okay mama" Jasmine cooed at me and stood up on the bed before kissing all over my face. I smiled and picked her up and spinned her around causing her to wrap her arms and legs around me holding on like her life depended on it "Okay mama stop" she whined and I put her down

"Who's the photoshoot with baby?" I asked Mani when she exited the closet with Bianca crawling behind her

"Rihanna, she wants me to be an ambassador for her new clothing line" she said and sprayed her favorite perfume. It was also my favorite perfume on her

I walked over to her and stood behind her as she stood in front of one of the mirrors in our room

I inhaled her scent as I reminisced on the first time I smelt her perfume aka how we met

"I know this is a big thing for you and I'm proud of you baby" I said pecking her neck all over

"Thank you baby, how I have to go or I'm going to be late" she said and went to walk away but I pulled her back into me. This time so she was facing me

"Baby I'm gonna be late" she fussed but I shushed her with a kiss. I felt her kiss back and I smiled into the kiss causing her to smile as well

"Ew" the chorus of our three kids rang through the room causing us to pull away

"Thats how y'all got here" I said flipping them off making Mani hit my chest lightly giving me 'the look' "what its true" I added

She shook her head before pecking my lips once again

"Bye my babies. Be good for mama okay?" She said after kissing the kids foreheads

"Okay" they said as we all followed her to the front door, I held Bianca trying to calm her down from crying, she always cry when she sees Manu leave without her. She's a total mommy's girl

Once the door closed and her car was no where in sight the kids rushed to the living room and started fussing over the remote

"Hey! whoever touched it first gets to control the TV" I said making them argue louder

"Let's go make breakfast pumpkin" I said to Bianca and kissed her forehead before walking into the kitchen


I finally got the baby to sleep and as soon I as I went back downstairs to check on the other kids, I heard a familiar cry

'Oh My God' I thought jogging into the living room

When I got there I saw Christopher rubbing the back of his neck and the twins trying to tell him to be quiet

"Sshh, you can have Ice-cream later" Justin bribed

"Why y'all got my son crying like that" I spoke up, Chris ran over to me 

"We were just playing" Jas said looking all over the place except for me something she did out of nervousness

"You go over there and smack 'em back, except for Jas, you don't hit girls" I said turning him around

"Ain't nobody hittin' nobody!" I heard my wife yell then a door slam shut

Soon the baby monitor went off and I could hear Bianca crying

Christopher ran over to Normani once she walked into the living room. She picked him up and kissed all over his face before pointing at me

"Got get the baby and just so you know you ain't getting none for a while" 

I stomped my feet like a kid that just lost their privilege to their favorite toy or won't get their own way

"None of what mommy?" Justin asked 

"No fun time with mommy, like the both of you, go to your rooms think I didn't see you smack your brother?" I heard Normani say as I made my way up the stairs

"Bruh, this is what I get for babysitting my own kids" I mumbled as I made my way to Bianca's room

"Care to say that to my face?" Normani said from behind me

"No ma'am" I answered picking up the baby 

"That's what I thought" she said before leaving the hallway

"All you kids do is get mama in trouble" I said and Bianca just smiled at me showing me her four baby teeth

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