The Chess Board

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Y/N's POV 

Sadly my Nanna passed away and now I'm on my way to clear out the house with my family, my mom said I would find comfort in some of her stuff

My family memebers and I pulled into the driveway at the same time since they were driving behind us. We all decided at today was the day to do this since we just buried her and we're all together at the moment

I opened the door of my late grandparents house and went up to the attic to see if I would find something and I did

I saw a treasure chest and my curiosity took over, I opened it quickly fanning away the dust that blew up in my face. My eyes searched inside the chest and they landed on a familiar chess case

I remebered when nanna and I would stay up somenights to have a good game of chess, I took it out of the treasure chest and placed it by my bag so I wouldn't forget it

I continued my search I didn't really in anything else to remind me of her so I got my bag and the Chess case before heading downstairs and waited, while I waited I mingled with my cousins I haven't seen in a while


"Are you sure that's all you want dear?" Mom asked as we made our way to the car

"Yeah, we used to play this together all the time, I guess this is more important to me than anything else" I said

The car ride home was quiet except for the radio softly playing

When we got home I showered and got comfy before eating dinner, well I poked at it before heading back to my room

I sat up in bed contemplating whether to cry or watch TV

Anyway I chose neither and decided to toy with the Chess board

I layed it out on the floor by my bed before absentmindedly moving one of the pieces, I started reminiscing on the moves she would make all of the sudden the king of the opposite side moved to a black square on the board taking me out of my trance

I looked around the room and saw no one

"The fuck?" I whispered to myself, my heart beating faster

"Its your turn" I heard a feminine voice say, it wasn't the one of my Nanna so I was definitely creeped out now

Soon I saw a girl sitting in indie position across from me, she was pretty but I'm not finna play with a ghost

I jumped up and went to run but as I was running I wasn't moving, I was just running on spot no matter how hard I tried

"Sit and play with me" she said and she snapped her fingers all of sudden I was seated in the same spot I was a few seconds ago

"Y/N ake a move" he said looking down at the board

I was cared shitless but I didn't want her to kill me in my sleep so I made a move

It was like that before she started making small talk

"I used to love playing with your grandmother too" she said making me look at her confused 

"You know my grandmother?" 

"Yup, when you fall asleep after playing a game of chess with her, that's when I play with her, that's why most of the time you see her fast asleep on the couch" she explained

"So what's your name?" I asked, she obviously knows me

"I'm Zendaya but you can call me Daya. I know you think I might kill you in your sleep but I'm a good friend of your nanna's so I would hurt her like that" she said and made and move

I slowly nodded my head

"So, like are you dead...?" I found myself asking

She looked at me before shaking her head "No shit sherlock" she said rolling her eyes

We continued to play the game until I got tired


I woke up on the floor beside the Chess board I looked around the room to see if last night was a dream or if it was real

When I didn't spot anything I got up and did my morning routine before heading to school

That night I moved another peice and a peice from the other side moved just like the night before and soon I could see her not Daya but my Nana 

I smiled and we played chess while making small talk, saying how much we miss each other already... After a while she left and Zendaya appeared, after that night it was a nightly routine, her and I playing with my grandmother's Chess board


A/N: I know it's short...

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