Cheating 2

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"This is some bullshit, Bey yo' ass better pray I win custody for my child" He spat before heading to the car and speeding off

"Shawn! Come back here!" Bey yelled but that man was already down the street

I looked at her before steeping back and getting ready to close the door but she just happened to turn back to me with a sympathetic look and just hook my head

"Y/N/N" she pouted

"You have five seconds to get off my property before I call the cops" I said and with that I locked her ass outside my house 

"Please don't let me go with him" Blue whispered, her sobbing had calmed but she was still crying 

"I won't princess" I reassured her, she pulled away and looked up at me

"Promise?" She asked

"I promise Blueberry" I said as I kneeled to be face-to-face with her

She then showed a small smile before pulling me into a hug catching me off guard making both of us tumble to the ground

She giggled before kissing my cheek


Months Later

Day Court Case

The kids are fast asleep and I'm here talking to my lawyer since Shawn wants to take me to court

When Bey and I were together, we had talked about me adopting Blue and I did it, so I feel pretty confident in this case

However I think this situation is making Blue anxious. See for the past week,  I will tuck her in her bed and less than 5 minutes she would be knocking on my door

'I feel like your gonna leave me' she would always say

Sometimes even when I'm in the middle of intimacy with my girlfriend, Rihanna but she doesn't mind. 

I'm just happy that she and the kids get along, because I always told myself, if I have a child and get into another relationship, my girl gon' have to get along with my kid if not I'm packing my shit and taking my kid with me

Bey is the reason why I'll put my kids in front of any woman and I don't mean it in a good way

After ending the call with my lawyer, I made girls and myself breakfast cause I can't go to court with my stomach on empty 

While I did, I felt arms wrap around my torso and I instantly smiled

"Hey" I heard Rih say

"Hey baby" I said and turned to give her a kiss

"Eww" I heard a chorus making Rihanna and I pull away

Blue walked in holding Daya in her arms who was busy suckling on her pacifier. Rih took Daya and greeted the girls while I shared our breakfast

"Good morning girls, your just in time" I said and Daya clapped 

I made my way over to them and kissed both of their foreheads before taking the two year old. During breakfast Blue just picked at her food

"Aren't you hungry?" I asked her to which she shook her head

"I don't want to leave you and Daya" she pouted

"I'm not giving you up that easily, I'm going down with a fight for you okay?"

"But you don't know what's gonna happnen"

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