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"Tell me, tell me, tell me!" Alexandra had been let out from the hospital wing and had quickly latched onto Hermione.

"There's nothing to tell you."

"I know you're lying. Why won't you tell me how I lost my memories?"

"Fine. You fell off the moving stairs and hit your head."

"I have read Hogwarts: a history, you know. I know an injury this severe isn't possible with a fall off the stairs. There are charms to stop too hard of a fall. And you said spells can't affect me so it can't have been the obliviate spell."

"You got hit with a bludger."

"I don't play quidditch." Hermione smirked.

"Actually, you do. You're the Hufflepuff seeker. You won the match against Ravenclaw a fortnight ago."

"You're having me on again." Alexandra said.

"I'm really not. Ask anyone."

"I hate quidditch."

"You wanted to play in Cedric's honour."

"Who the hell is Cedric?"

"Cedric was your boyfriend. The love of your life. Your one true love. But he died in June. You decided to try out in his honour."

"So I can't quit or anything?"

"Well you could, and you could let the reserve take over."

"Maybe I'll just try out again. See if I still work well enough with the team."

"You could do that. I'll talk to Maxine for you."

"I still don't buy that it was a bludger so will you pretty please with a cherry on top tell me what happened?"

"You're better off not knowing."

"Who does know?"

"Me, Madam Pomfrey, Dumbledore, Snape."

"Anyone else?"

"So you can guilt them into telling you? Definitely not." Hermione glanced up and saw Laila. "Hey, look. It's Laila. She's one of our friends."

"Alex! You're out."

"Apparently. Can you tell me what happened?" Laila glanced at Hermione who was frantically shaking her head.

"Sorry, Alex." She shrugged.

"Alexandra, please."

"Doesn't she hate-?"

"She didn't always. She used to hate being called anything but Alexandra. Used to drive Ron nuts, having to call her Alex. But he came round. And now he's annoyed at having to go back Alexandra since he's finally gotten used to calling her Alex." Laila laughed.

"It's not funny. I empathise." Alexandra pouted.

"You're still not going to let him call you Alex."

"Just how different of a person is she now?" Laila asked.

"Complete 180." Hermione said.

"Wait, I can't be that different. Can I? Please don't tell me I'm mean."

"Aw, she's actually kind of innocent." Laila said.

"You're not mean. You're very nice, but in a very roundabout way. Like, you ignored all of your roommates for months, but then spent over an hour brewing draughts of peace for Hannah's anxiety. You insult Harry to his face, but defend him when people are really mean. You-"

"Why am I mean to Harry? And who is Harry?"

"You're not mean. You're rude. There's a difference. Rudeness is just your general attitude towards him. But you're never mean."

"But why am I rude? Did he do something to me?"

"No, but there's a reason. It's complicated."


"It just is, A- just leave it."

"Why don't you call me by my name?"

"Why are you so curious about everything?"

"That's who she is, Granger. That's nothing new. After all she did find-"

"Laila." Hermione cut her off.

"What? Oh, right." Laila shut up.

"What did I find?"

"The unicorns, though technically you were led to them."

"You're hiding something else." Alex accused.

"Well, it's personal."

"But I'm involved, aren't I?"

"The old you was involved. The old you had secrets. You're not our Alex. So I'm not going to just tell you whatever you want to know when I know the Alex we knew wouldn't have wanted you to know. What's done is done, so just live your normal life. Be ordinary, for once."

"What do you mean for once?" Laila laughed and pat Hermione on the back.

"Alright, good luck, Granger. You clearly have your hands full. I'd help, but head girl duties. I don't have the time." Laila skipped away.

"Stupid Slytherins." Hermione huffed. "Alright, come on. To the Hufflepuff dorms."

"Sure." Alexandra was silent for less than a minute. "So, am I friends with Slytherins?"

"Some, yes."

"But I thought Slytherins were evil."

"And yet you're friends with most of them."

"But why?"

"Because you never believed they were evil. You always believed they had a good side. Even stupid Malfoy." Hermione said. "Actually, that one wasn't an instant friendship. You hexed him a lot during second year when he called me a mudblood. But then you guys got a lot of detentions together and I think he apologised to you and you became friends."

"Bizarre!" Alexandra said. "Tell me more. Why am I a fifth year and not a sixth year?"

"Because you were kidnapped for a year before you came to Hogwarts."

"By who?"

"You never said."

"You're lying again."

"Then trust me when I tell you you don't want to know. I know what happened when you were away, and I know what effect it had on you. Even now, five years later, you have trouble sleeping and eating. You get nightmares, and you're scared to let anyone close. So just live a normal life and don't dig into it. I swear on my life, you don't want to know. It's probably why you lost five years of your memory."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because the last thing you remember is the day before you were taken. I'm pretty sure that means you don't want to remember." Alex looked at Hermione and nodded.


"Alright, we're here. Password is the tune to Helga Hufflepuff." Hermione demonstrated. "It never changes."

"How do you know it?"

"Usually I wait behind a little while or cover my ears and hum when the girls let me in, but a few months ago, there wasn't really time. The girls got worried because you cut your hair off." Alexandra put her hand to her head.

"I did this? Why?"

"You were sad and annoyed and frustrated."


"I don't know, something about it taking forever to dry your hair without magic. We're here." Hermione finally said in relief.

A/N- lmfao, Hermione's ready to tear her hair out. Alexandra's driving her mad with all the questions 😭

Favourite line is "Aw, she's actually kind of innocent." Laila said.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 5Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang