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"With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts."

~ Eleanor Roosevelt

"Get some sleep, guys. I'm gonna do a night watch just in case." Carter said as everybody got ready for bed.

"You sure? You really want to risk your sleep?" Cameron asked as he sat up from the main couch. Lexi and I slept in separate sleeping bags by the other coach, where Hayes was sleeping. I stared up at the ceiling as Carter and Cameron bounced back and forth, debating who should be the guardian of the night.

"I've been sleep deprived since I was born. I'm alright, I can handle this." Carter joked. The full moon rose into the night sky of twinkling stars as, God knows how many, walkers roamed through Atlanta. Feeding on and turning everyone into drooling freaks. I rolled over to face the couch. Hayes was staring down at me with a smile and I returned a smile as I reached up and grabbed his hand softly in confidence.

I didn't know what was wrong with me. Each day I became a little more frightened, but at the same time, I became a little bit more confident with expressing my feelings for Hayes. And the weird part was, so was he.

However, one day, I'm afraid I'll lose my mind. So that's why I have dedicated my life to my friends. I have to stay sane and I know that, for some reason, I have to put a stop to whatever is wiping out the nation.

"Guys, there's one right outside the door." Lexi panicked in a whisper, sitting up from her sleeping bag. The room fell silent, listening for a sound. Lexi had been correct, snarls were waiting outside the door, which made me slowly get out of my sleeping bag. Dropping Hayes' hand, I picked up my handgun that was laying beside me.

"Naulie, what are you doing?" Cameron whispered shouted at me.

"I'm seeing how many there are." I approached the front door, and peered out the peep hole. I gasped as Disney's micro pig, Zuri, came running down the wooden stairs with it's little clapping feet. It's grunts and miniature squeaks made me paranoid that the walkers would hear, and try to get in.

"Zuri!" Kristen yelled marching down the stairs. I whipped my head around and shushed her. Disney followed behind her, sprinting down the stairs, but quiet as possible. Then the Pit bull puppy, Jax, followed Disney.

"What's going on?" Disney asked. Everyone in the living room shushed her. She mouthed, sorry, and appeared by my side. I turned my head back to the door and looked out the hole again. Four of them wandering and waddling around on the porch.

"How the hell did they even get up here? There's no way." Disney whispered. Her breath smelled of mint, she must have brushed her teeth. Something I haven't done in awhile.

"They must have found a way." I whispered back. i clicked my gun, ready to fire if necessary. But I also knew that would be a dumb plan because sounds draws in more.

I backed away from the door and sat my gun down on the stool that sat in the corner near the stairs, and reached for the hatchet that ticked out from one of the near by weapon duffle bags.

Carter grabbed my hand, stopping me from grabbing it. "Naulie, it's not necessary. They're already beginning to leave. It's fine." I took my hand away from his grasp and turned back towards the door. Disney was looking at us, and she nodded in agreement.

I sighed and walked away back over to my sleeping bag.

"Everyone get some rest. We have a big day tomorrow." Cameron announced as he laid back down on the couch. It was super uncomfortable sleeping in my clothes. Especially in clothes you've been wearing for the past three days. Everyone was still in their same clothes, matter of fact; except for Disney and Kristen. Most of us left behind some of our luggage, but in no time we'd be back in LA. I'm not saying it would be any better to be back on the other side of the country, I just can't wait to see my mom again.

Everyone Dies // Magcon Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now