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"If we lose love and self respect for each other, this is how we finally die."

~ Maya Angelou

Cameron didn't want any of us splitting up into the rooms we were assigned originally, so we all spent the night in one room. I shared my bed with my brother, Lexi shared hers with Brent. The rest cuddle together on comforters and pillows that we snuck from the other rooms.

I laid next to Cameron, who was still sleeping, and looked through my Walking Dead comic books. They called them Walkers and it was some type of an infection; yet they called it the Walkers Disease. I'm not sure if it's okay to call them that, it would technically be stealing the name of a copyrighted book. But calling these things zombies is just a quip, it doesn't sound serious. I thought about words that would be literal to turn into a name--such as quietus, expiry, apocalyptic, and lapse. All meaning death or destruction. I couldn't come up with a name, I couldn't think when sirens were sounding and the whole building was shaking from explosions. I thought it would be best to just stick with walkers.

I got out of bed, still in yesterday's clothes, and looked out the two glass doors of the balcony. The sky was a beautiful blue and off into the distance it was slowly fading and disappearing behind heaps of black smoke. I could feel the heat from where I was standing, I could hear the screams of the innocent, and smell the burning of flesh. It was so indisposed.

I dipped my head down and looked into the parking lot where there were five to six walkers. Their moans and groans were loud, it made me want to mock them in annoyance. One bumped into a car, sounding its security alarm to go off and drawing in a few others towards the noise. As they clawed and slapped the car, and growled in pain of starvation, Lexis voice spoke softly from behind me.

I twiddled my thumbs as she asked me a question I knew I would be wondering for a very long time. Is it over,is what she asked and I replied with a soft, no. I took my eyes off of the living dead and turned around to look at her, sitting up with her brunette hair all gruby. I leaned up against the glass and shook my head. It wasn't over, it would never be over. "It just begun."

I blinked--the hour flashing before my eyes--everybody was panicking and practically ripping their hair out of their head. I continued to lean up against the sliding doors as Cameron and Carter paced back and forth, biting their nails with very heavy pants.

"How the fuck did you guys not notice?" Hayes asked.

"You mean, you knew he wasn't with us, but didn't say anything?!" Nash yelled at Hayes.

"Nash, back off! I didn't mean it that way! You're all being a bunch of idiots!"

"Do you think he's still at the arena?" Lexi asked. I wanted no part of this discussion, it wasn't my fault--or anybody elses--that Matthew got left behind.

"How about you guys just shut up and calm down for just two fucking seconds." Taylor slammed his hand on the desk which made everyone flinch. My eyes shifted to every face in the room, scanning and identifying that they were worried, scared, hopeless, perturbed, anxious, and concerned.

"Matthew's our brother, Hayes!" Carter yelled breaking the silence. Taylor threw his hands up in the air and just walked off, opening the door and slamming it; god knows where he's off to.

"Our fans are our family, too!" Hayes debated. "It's not fair! We could have saved at least a few of those girls! But no, every single one of you was selfish and let all of those people die. Just to die!"

"Taylor saved that little girl, so I suggest you shut up, and keep quiet. The blames on you if you or someone else dies." Nash spat through his gritted teeth. I looked down at the little girl who was laying down in a corner lifeless. She was barely breathing but I could hear her heart fighting.

"Well we're gonna have to go back and look for him. We just can't leave him behind." Cameron spoke in a whisper, breathless.

"It's a giant risk. Do we want really want to sacrifice another life for another one that might already be d-"

Nash cut Carter off. "No! He's not dead! Matthews a tuff boy. He can handle himself."

"I don't think it's considered a sacrifice, Carter." Brent added shaking his head.

"But Carter's right, still." I said shaking my head a little. Everyone a bit surprised that I finally spoke up. "It's a giant instability to go back to the arena. I mean how the hell are we gonna even get there? You saw every one scatter in a massive panic."

"Right and we can't just walk, we might run into another swarm of those..." Dillion trailed off. It came to my mind that nobody knew what these things were, and didn't know what to call them.

"Walkers." I spoke up.

"Naulie, this isn't one of your comic books." Cameron hissed. I glared at him from across the room. I honestly disliked the fact that everyone wanted me to answer their questions, but now everyone is dissing me because I'm just a kid--a girl. I wasn't leaning on the glass doors no more--no--I was slowly walking towards my brother.

"Well, one of those things eats you alive. Come talk big brother." I patted his chest with my hand, and walked off towards our bed. I picked my bag up from the floor and unzipped it. Everyone stayed silent and just sat down to cool off, calm down.

iPhones, laptop, comics, video camera, and chargers; I dumped everything out of the bag and just looked at our things. Mine and Camerons phone started vibrating, a text message from mom. I wrapped my fingers around it and then put my passcode in. I lost the hotels wifi once the building started shaking and dust started falling from the ceiling. It was dark, only a supply of daylight from the balcony.

I placed it back down on the bed, finding it useless to text back. I want to give up, to just go home and be with my mom, my sister and brother, and my dog.

"We're no longer in a world of electronics, games, and fame. It's survival, real or not, we need to fight back. Your computer and cell phone isn't going to save you. We need to start packing a short supply of clothes, food, water, and something to defend ourselves."

It was silent for awhile. The only thing I could hear were screams off the street.

"I agree." Lexi sat down next to me. "We have no idea what we're about to get ourselves into, but all I know is that if we don't take what Naulie says seriously, we might just loose."

umbles of agreement were passed around from each person in the room. The door bursted open and Taylors voice cracked as he announced terrible news; he gulped.

"You have to see this."

Everyone Dies // Magcon Zombie ApocalypseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon