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"It is not seen as insane when a fighter, under an attack that will inevitable lead to his death, chooses to take his own life first. In fact, this act has been encouraged for centuries, and is accepted even now as an honorable reason to do the deed. How is it any different when you are under attack by your own mind?"

~ Emilie Autumn

"@CameronDallas: Naulie! They found us!" Then a link to a video.

"So we kinda tweeted where we were and uh..." Taylor said. The camera faced a ton of screaming fans then it turned ban towards Cameron.

"Naulie! Help!" Cam yelled. Naulie to the rescue. A giant scream echoed which made my head shot up into the direction it came from. I took out Cameron's camera and recorded.

"Do you think that's where they are?" Lexi asked.

"What else could it have been? Pterodactyl?" I started jogging in the direction as multiple girls screamed and pointed at me.

"Oh my god! It's Naulie Dallas!"

"Naulie! I love you and Cameron!"

I finally found the giant crowd of girls surrounding the guys who were standing on benches and vending machines.

"Oh my god." Lexi breathed out.

"Now just imagine Zombies." I nudged her with my shoulder and laughed. Her face went blank and pale but then finally followed me as I pushed through the crowd of girls. Someone grabbed a was of my hair and pulled me back but they finally let go.

I went up to Cameron and stood next to him on the bench. "Having fun?" I asked sarcastically.

"Totally." He looked at me and back at the mob. "This is insane. We can't even leave."

"Everybody quiet! Right now!" Someone yelled. Two security guards pushed through the crowd and pointed up at us. "You better get this madness out of here right now or we'll make you."

"Boo!" a fan shouted.

"Yeah!" Everyone yelled in agreement.

"Come on, right now." A guard grabbed me by my arm and Lexi in his other hand. The other guards got the boys as we were dragged out of the mall, out mob following us.


"NaulieDallas: Just got kicked out of a mall. Way to go @CameronDallas"

I chilled back on my bed as Lexi checked out one of my horror comics. "I don't even know how you can read this stuff. It's so weird." She said flipping through the pages.

"It's awesome. It would just be amazing if it actually happened, you know."

"I would have to agree to disagree. It would be scary as fuck!"

"Wow first time I heard you swear in a while, Lex." I laughed.

She shrugged. "Well I'm just like Brent, don't swear."

"Yeah." I laughed. "Frick!"

She laughed at me. "Thar sounds nothing like Brent.'

"Well, duh. I'm a girl. I'm not deep voiced mhm expert man."

"I'm done. I am so done." She threw the comic at me and rolled over with a laugh. "Goodnight."

"Night." I fixed the book and placed it on top of the other ones on the nightstand. I turned my head towards Lexis back and smirked.

I silently got out of the bed and grabbed the camera and started recording. I snuck up behind her and quoted from one of my favorite zombie movie. The Day of The Dead.

"They're coming to get you, Barbra." I whispered in a creepy voice as I went up to Lexi. "They've been dead, for a very long time."

"Naulie stop it." Lexi mumbled.

"Oh but they are. They'll rise from the graves, they'll dig their fingers into your skin. The blood gushing out of you, driving their senses crazy to feast for more." I got closer and then made my way to the door.

I opened it and them slammed it close. "Naulie stop it!" She yelled. I flicked the lights on and off. I tiptoed back to my bed to get the remote. I hid under the bed, turned the Tv on, the screen fuzzy, ten back off.

"They're coming, Lexi. You can't run or hide." I said in a deep creepy voice.

"Naulie I know it's you! Now just stop!" Lexi yelled. I could hear her panting. I ninja rolled out from underneath the bed and crawled under her bed. I pounded my fist on the bed and kicked it.


I rolled out from there and I was in between her bed and the wall. I stood up and saw through the green night camera that she was looking around nervously.

"Naulie stop it! It's not funny!" I wanted to burst out in laughter but I kept my cool.

"They're gonna get you, Lexi!" I screamed as I put her in a head lock and pinned her down onto the bed. She screamed a high pitch scream that made my ears ring. I let go of her and she rolled off the bed.

I got off the bed and flicked the lights on but hid in the bathroom.

"Naulie, what the hell are you doing?!" She completely freaked out.

"Girls open the door!" I heard Carter yell as someone pounded on the door.

"Lexi!" Brent screamed. I pointed the camera at my face and started silently laughing. I pointed it back at the door as I heard Lexi run to the door and open it.

"What's going on?" Cameron asked. "Where's Naulie?"

"I don't know! She's doing her stupid pranks again!" Lexi yelled.

"Okay just calm down." Carter said. I opened the door a crack to see them walk out into the hallway. I reached my hand out and flicked the lights off, then ran out and slammed the door close. I grabbed one of the kitchen knives that are supplied on top of the mini refrigerator, a monster mask from my bag, placed the camera on the might stand angled towards the door, and his behind the door.

I put on the mask once the door opened and the lights turned on. Everyone was inside and looking around the room. I reached over and turned the light off.

"What the hell?" Carter yelled.

I tiptoed over towards Lexi and placed my hand over her mouth and she squealed.

The lights turned back on and everyone looked in our direction with a scream. I started laughing and let go of Lexi. I put the knife down and pulled off the mask. "I am the master of disguise."

"That was not funny!" Lexi yelled. "Now I'm gonna have nightmares!"

"Or you won't sleep at all." Carter shrugged.

"All of you screamed like girls." I laughed.

"Hotel security! Is everything alright in here?" A African American hotel security man asked as he walked into the room.

Cameron nodded. "Just some pranks."

"Alright, well keep it down. Its almost midnight." He walked out and left.

"Go to bed, Naulie. Stop fucking around." Cameron stormed out of the room. My mood suddenly changed and I moped onto my bed, pulling the covers over me.

"Night, Lexi."

Everyone Dies // Magcon Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now