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"The dead cannot cry out for justice. It is a duty of the living to do so for them."

~ Lois McMaster Bujold

Pink and orange danced across the sky as we slowly walked out the back door of the arena. We were scared, depressed, and the moans of our own bellies and the corpses weren't helping.

I wanted to go home, I wanted to be in my bed with my phone making vines while Cameron played video games downstairs with the guys. . . all of them. I always wanted this to happen, I always thought it would be cool if a zombie apocalypse started; guns, surviving, running around, but really I'm scared out of my mind and I want to go home.

The corpses--yeah, I call them that now--they were gone, they weren't scurrying in this area no more. I think they got the hint that everyone was trying to leave, so they followed their food source. That highway isn't going to make it like everyone who is smart enough to stay in their homes.

"Where are we going to go now?" Brent asked once everyone was in the limousine. Nobody was taking this very easy, every head in the car hanged low and sniffles were passed like a blunt.

"We could go back to the hotel." Chris suggested. Um, no. That wasn't the best idea, the national guards were everywhere, they were going to kill us no matter what. Our President had lied through his teeth, basically.

"No. We can't go back there." Cameron shook his head. I looked up at the rear view mirror and saw my brother looking at me. I didn't know what to do at this point, whether if I should smile, look away, but I just blinked and he looked back at the road. My gaze soon shifted, as did my body, so I could lean on the seat and stare out the window.

"Matthew would know where to go. He had relatives that lived in Atlanta." Nash said simply. His sniffed loudly, he couldn't stop crying.

My throat tingled and my stomach tightened, the saliva in my mouth swept over my tongue slowly and my head ached in pain multiple positions. I rubbed my throat and studied each abandoned car we passed by. Kia, Subaru, Ford F-150, Corvette, Convertible, Subaru, Mustang. I sighed deeply and turned around to find Hayes staring at me, across from me. I clutched my backpack, and tightly hugged it to my chest.

"We got ourselves a little problem." Carter, in the passenger seat, said. I looked up, the problem seeking my attention. I put my legs down and leaned forward so could see. There were two giant military tanks blocking the highway. Behind the tanks were a swarm of cars and people, live people, walking around and ranting.

Two policemen stopped our car into a halt and soon conveyed to Cameron's window.

"And, where do you think you and your group are heading?" the officer took off his sunglasses in a bad boy way with a cock of his head.

Cameron shook his head. "We just want to go home, sir. Our families are worried about us."

"Families? You saying you teenage dirtbags are in the state of Georgia all by yourself?"

"Sir, we are famous teenage dirtbags of the internet. Besides, I'm nineteen-years-old along with other eighteen-year-old's in the back, I think we can pretty much handle ourselves."

The officer leaned onto the car and looked deeply at Cameron. "You sure as hell don't look nineteen, buddy boy. License and registration, please."

"I get that a lot, officer." He looked back at us, and then look at the officer in frustration. Eventually he pulled out his wallet from his back pocket and handed him his license.

"Cameron Alexander Dallas. Registration, please." He read aloud. Carter leaned his body over to his window and cleared his throat.

"Officer, with all do respect, this isn't our limousine. It belonged to the limo driver that was transporting us to our events, but he sort of got caught up in this massacre that's been going on."

The other officer finally spoke, leaning his head half way through the window. "So, you're telling us, you stole this vehicle?"

Cameron and Carter shook their heads frantically, and spoke at the same time. "No, officer."

"Don't think of it that way. Think of it as an act of survival, the only chance we had to save our lives--my friends and families lives."

Cameron tried to explain, but the officer refused to roll with what Cameron was trying to persuade.

"Please, step out of the limousine. Everyone." the second officer demanded. These guys were major jerks and I hated them for what they were making us do. For all we know, a swarm might, well, swarm in and attack everybody.

We lined up against the limo and they ran their hands along our sides and legs to make sure we weren't armed. But I was last in line standing next to Hayes.

The first officer studied the gun in his hands before looking at me. "And where did you get this gun, may I ask?"

"I took it off of this man that was killed by the military." I spoke truthfully. He continued to stare at me, which made me awkwardly uncomfortable. He was that type of guy that looked Mike Myers, but with a scratchy mustache and a crazy look his his eyes.

"The military doesn't kill the free, and certainly doesn't kill the living." He placed his hands on his hips and continued to look at me like he wanted to slap me to the ground.

"It's true. They ran into the hotel we were staying in, and killed everyone that wasn't dead." Hayes spoke, standing up for me, too, I guess. I could sense that he was uncomfortable with the officer's presence as well--shifting his eyes from the road to the officer was another hint.

"Was I talking to you? No, so shut your mouth, boy." He demanded.

"Leave them alone! They're just kids." Cameron shouted at the first officer. He snapped his head at my brother, and stomped in his direction.

"That is no way to speak to a man of the law, Mr. Dallas!" He shouted in Cameron's face. Cameron backed his face up from the officer's with a glare.

"Officer, I think you need a tic tac." He swayed his hand in front of his nose.

The second officer grabbed Cameron by his fore arm and twisted him around, bending him over the hood of the car, as the first officer took out his handcuffs and firmly grasped them around his wrist with a zipping lock.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Everyone screamed at them. The police officers screamed back at us with the pull of their guns from their belt compartment. We continued to yell at them to let Cameron go, but the second officer, who looked like Channing Tatum who got fucked in the face with a stool (but shorter and much older), kept a grasp on Camerons wrists and kept an aim on us as did the other officer.

The first officer aimed my gun in the sky and fired with a pull of the trigger. The snap clap sound echoed in the air and through the trees as screams, too, echoed from behind the tanks and questions mumbled loudly as well.

"Are you stupid, or something? You're going to draw every freak in Atlanta to this highway, retard!" I screamed at him. And I was right, one appeared out of the woods as the second officer phoned the station through his shoulder radio for backup. A flash of fear washed over me as two, four, six, ten, twenty more trampled onto the streets after us.

The first officer turned around in reaction to the groans and mumbles of the dead. "Oh, shit." My eyes immediately shifted to my gun in his hand, and to the one that was easily reachable on his side. I quickly came up with a plan to get both and escape with my family. I scurried over to him and quickly kneed him where it hurts more. He dropped the gun as he fell to his knees in pain, holding himself. Hayes picked up the gun as I fumbled with my hands to grab the gun from his pouch.

"I'm sorry." I said to him before jumping back into the limo with Hayes behind me. Cameron sat next to me with his hands behind his back and the second officers gun in grasp. I did not witness how he got it but I was proud of him.

"Come on, Carter. Let's get out of here." Taylor, in the passenger seat, panicked. Carter started the engine and pulled off the road before they could pound thier palms on the car, and went around the tanks once they started firing at the corpses.

The line of cars went on forever, cars swerved off of the road matter of the fact, and people stood by their cars dumb struck.

"Where did you say we were heading?" Chris asked.

Everyone Dies // Magcon Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now