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"How we gonna get in? We don't have a key to their room." Lexi asked as we approached the hotel room of Cameron, Nash, and Hayes.

"I'll text Hayes to open the door for us. Inside their room is another door that goes into Brent's room." I answered as I pulled out my phone.

"Smart, clever girl."

I texted Hayes and he texted back instantly. Must have been awake already. He opened the door for us and we tiptoed inside as Hayes closed the door quietly.

I got down on my knees and took off my backpack, then unzipped it. I handed Lexi the air horn and the camera that was now rolling, and Hayes the two cans of shaving cream.

I stood back up as Lexi placed the camera on the dresser and angled it towards the three beds.

I sprayed a mountain of cream in my hand and another in Hayes' hand. I grabbed a pillow for Hayes and a pillow for me-with the hand that's not full of cream, of course.

"Okay, once Lexi blows the horn, whip them in the face with the pillow screaming Wake Up! and once they sit up, smack them. Got it?" I explained. They both nodded. "Okay let's go."

I tiptoed over to Cameron's bed and Hayes went over to Nash'. I looked at the camera that was still blinking and then nodded at Lexi. She blew the horn and my ears started ringing. I whipped the pillow at Cameron's face and screamed Wake Up!-As did Hayes. Once they sat up I smacked the cream onto my brothers face.

"What the fuck?!" Nash screamed. Hayes and I bursted out laughing along with Lexi.

"Naulie!!" Cameron hollered as he wiped the shaving cream off his face and flicked it at me.

I wiped my hand off on a pillow and grabbed the camera. "You just got burned by your thirteen year old sister, what do you have to say about that twenty year old brother."

"What I have to say is," Nash started. I turned the camera towards him. "I'm gonna fucking get you, Hayes."

"Shit!" Hayes screamed as he ran out into the hallway and Nash chased him, in his boxers. I can't wait to post this.

I followed them out into the hallway and Nash tackled Hayes and started slapping Hayes with his own hand.

"This is just way to funny." Lexi laughed behind me.

"Now we have to get Brent." I nudged her with my elbow.

"Get Brent, why?" We turned around with a scream and Brent was standing there with his hands on his hips.

"Nothing, uh," Lexi stuttered. She then blew the horn in Brent's face and we ran into our hotel room, slamming the door closed, and locking it.

"Lexi!" Brent yelled. I turned the camera off and placed it on the charger, on the dresser.

Lexi sat down next to me at the little table in the corner of the room by my bed. There was a knock at the door.

"Lexi, Naulie, get ready! We have to go!" Cameron shouted.

I looked at Lexi and she looked right back at me. I got up and opened the door to see Cam in skinny jeans and shirtless.

"I don't know what you're talking about because we've been ready." I said in a smart tone.

"Boys, get ready! We have to go!" Lexi yelled from the table. I laughed and Cameron rolled his eyes playfully.

"Lets go guys! The girls beat us!" Cameron jogged back down the hall.

"That's a fucking first." Taylor laughed.

"Frick!" Brent shouted.

"Stop it, Chris! You're making me nervous!" Dillion laughed.


"We didn't know the crowd was going to be this big, so if you stir it up, we're gonna have some problems." Our manager, Keith, pointed his finger at us.

I turned around, looked at Hayes and Lexi, and snickered. "No promises."

They giggled and security guards started surrounding us. They escorted us through the very large group of fans that instantly started screaming their heads off.

Hands reached out with phones, T-shirts, photographs, and sharpies. They all reached out and tried to touch us, someone grabbed me by the handle on my backpack and yanked me backwards. A security guard pulled me back into the group and another one held the girls back. Hayes wrapped his arm around my waist and held me close.

"Haulie!" Someone screamed real loud and everyone else screamed. Hayes and I laughed together as we finally reached the giant stage. We went backstage and chilled for a moment as music blasted for the audiences entertainment before the real performances started.

"Crawford!" Chris screamed. I turned around and Chris' hair was drenched and dripping water.

"Really brings out your eyes, Chris." I laughed. He crossed his eyes and then grinned with a little laugh.

I sat down on a stool and Hayes sat on my lap. "Do you mind?" I asked.

"Nope." He said popping the 'p'. I shook my head with a little laugh and wrapped my arms around him, hugging and cuddling him. He dressed in shorts and a white tank top that had orange blue and yellow stripes across it, in the front. Plus, black Vans to top it off. He placed his hand on mine and it sent shivers down my spine, and chills up my arms and up my neck.

"Aye! Don't be smooching my sister, Hayes Grier." Cameron said. I looked past Hayes and Cameron grinned. "Im just joking. But don't start making out, I mean it."

I hid behind Hayes once again and mumbled into his back. "Fuck off, Cam." Hayes giggled.

"Ooo! Hayes got a potty mouth!" Dillion giggled and covered his mouth with his hand.

"Brent, Matt, you're performing first." Keith announced. They were handed microphones, switched them on, and ran out onto stage where hundreds of screams echoed.

"You alright?" Hayes asked me.

"Yeah. Why?" I answered.

"You're clutching onto me pretty hard."

"Oh well, I've never performed in front of a big crowd before. I guess I'm a little nervous."

"Can I perform with you?"

"I don't mind. Lexi is gonna perform with me anyways, so, yeah." I laughed.

He stood up and turned around to look at me. Next thing I knew he got smacked in the face and cream was all over his cheek. I wiped some of the cream off and walked over to Taylor, who had smacked him, tapped his shoulder and got him back.

"It's true what they say, revenge is sweet."

Everyone Dies // Magcon Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now