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"Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity."

~ Horace Mann

Cameron slammed the front door instantly after Taylor stepped inside. I leaned against the doorframe of the living room as I stared at Disney, who kept her head between her knees.

"You gonna make up your mind, or what?" I asked her as I crossed my arms. Taylor and Cameron looked up at me as they shuffled their hands around, picking up things and shoving them into bags. Disney looked up at me with red eyes, just like she was crying. That's a thing I don't get about this girl; she's high and mighty until her feelings are hurt.

"Can you just not bust my chops for once?" She answered puckishly before hanging her head back down low. I rolled my eyes and shook my head before walking past the boys to get to the kitchen. I grabbed some kitchen knives from the drawers and then went to the closet they we had not searched. A machete dangled by a string on it handle on the wall, shimmering in the light that peered through the room through the window.

I grabbed it with my free hand and closed the door with a slight kick. I heard the door creak and slam close as I bent down next to Cameron. Grabbing the last duffle bag, I shoved the weapons inside it, then stood up with it in hand. I stepped over the supplies that hadn't been bagged yet, and walked into the living room, sitting down on the couch ever so tired like.

"So, do we plan on going back to the warehouse to get the group and stay here? Or are they s-o-l'd and we get to stay here ever so selfishly?" Cameron huffed. I looked up at him as his back was facing me and he was waiting for an answer from Disney with his hands on hips. She wasn't going to answer, she was still upset from kicking her boyfriend (ex) out of her house for, possibly, the hundredth time. I don't believe that Seth raped Disney, but you can never believe everything you see and hear. However, people are very manipulative.

Disney still remained silent as we all waited for her voice to croak in the ringing silence.

I shook my head and finally spoke for myself. "I say we leave Disney here with Taylor as we go get the others." Cameron turned his head to me and looked at the floor, thinking for a moment, then looked at me with a nod.

"If you don't mind, we're going to take your car, and we're leaving. Stay here and don't even move from that spot." Cameron ordered.

I stood up with the bag and stood beside my brother. I picked up a few other bags and opened the front door to go out to the car. I tossed the duffle bags in the backseat as I climbed in the front seat with a slam of the passenger door. Soon enough, Cameron was in the drivers seat and we were heading down the dirt driveway and out the gate.

"You sure you know how to get back?" I asked as I leaned my elbow on the door and looked at my brother.

"I guess we'll find out soon enough." He said with a flat smile. I turned on the radio, not wanting to hear the silence that vibrated in the car. Expecting the top charts music list of one-o-six point nine, abrupting news blasted through the speakers.

"They appear to be themselves in a waking state but never do top to take a rest. They are aggressive and violent in unimaginably horrific ways. This afternoon, on live television, a white male caucasian was attacked in the streets of times square up in New York City. A asian-american female was also surrounded by a group of the spreading violent homicides, reported from Phoenix, Arizona." I reached over to the radio and switched to a different station, but only got another news report of another "homicide".

"These monsters we once called human beings, now tear through and feed on the flesh of whom ever roam in our unsafe streets--"

"They have fled through different states--"

Everyone Dies // Magcon Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now