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"Death is always around the corner, but often our society gives it inordinate help."

~ Carter Burwell

I got dressed into a pair of my new jeans, new black high-top converse, and a grey tank top that had a tiger roaring on it. My feet dragged me to the bathroom where I put on some light mascara and eyeliner. I looked at myself in the mirror. Maybe I should change like everyone else wants me to.

"No you shouldn't." I looked over at the door and Hayes was leaning up against the door frame.

"What?" I asked.

"You shouldn't change. You're perfect the way you are. Just because someone doesn't like something about you, doesn't mean you should change it. It means that's what stands out most about you."

"Well then.. I guess I said that aloud." I laughed a bit.

"Yep. I heard everyone screaming last night. What happened?"

"I pulled a prank on Lexi. Then Brent, Cameron, and Carter got involved. Then I'm the one who ended up getting scared in the end."

He stood up straighter and took a few steps closer. "Scared about what?"

"That no one will accept me for me anymore. There's always a flaw. It's like I can't be myself anymore without anyone saying 'Cut it out, Naulie!'."

"Just don't mind it. Do your own thing. Do I need to bring in Doctor Taylor Caniff to lecture you about that?" He laughed.

I shook my head. "No, no thanks."

He put out his arms. "Come here, babe." Babe? Babe?! Oh my god! The butterflies and fireworks unleashed in my stomach as I wrapped my arms around his waist and he pulled me close, hugging me around my neck. I felt my eyes light up and he kissed the top of my head.

"Hehe." I giggled.

"What?" He met go and grinned down at me.

"You're just so adorable, Hayes." I smiled. Wait, did I really just say that? Maybe now he knows!

"Awe, thanks. You are too, beautiful." Oh my God, Hayes Grier, stop it. You're gonna kill me. Of happiness!


Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Jackson, Mississippi. Now Nashville, Tennessee.

It's June 1st, and almost my birthday. I am beyond excited! I unlocked the hotel room door and shuffled inside with Lexi behind me.

"You're not gonna scare the shit out of me are you?" She asked as she sat we luggage down in her bed.

"You asked for the past four days now. You gonna stop?" I chuckled.

"Well it depends. You gonna make me piss myself or can I have a peaceful dream with our terrifying monsters and flesh eating freaks?"

"I promise, Lexi." I giggled like I always do when I make a promise. She threw her luggage on her bed and sat down on the edge.

"You know what," She sighed. "This tour so far has been really great. Besides you scaring me, which I will always remember, I'll never forget this tour."

I laughed. "Well I love you, too. And yeah it has been fun, even though I haven't seen a single zombie yet."

"Naulie, a zombie apocalypse isn't going to happen in a blink of an eye."

"Tell it to the news channel." Hayes said. I looked up at Hayes who was eavesdropping on our conversation. He walked over to me and grabbed the Tv remote and turned it on, going to channel four.

Everyone Dies // Magcon Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now