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"The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time."

~ Mark Twain

My eyes painfully fluttered open and I couldn't breathe through my nose. I sat up but I banged my head. I mentally hissed and held my head with my hand as I swung my legs over the edge of the rack. Below me was Hayes, and above me, was Lexi. Disney found some extra pillows and sheets in the back of the storage and loaned them to us to sleep on. I was thankful that we had found her, minus getting tackled and punched, but other than that, we could be safe here.

I hopped off the rack and landed on the cold cement floor with my bare feet. I picked up my socks and put them on before slipping on and zipping up my combat boots. I cracked my back and walked off to look for Disney. Just like I thought, I found her the break room sitting on the table with her feet on the seat of the chair, gnawing on a biscuit. She didn't know I was in here, which was funny because I just love to give people a jolt of excitement. She was paying attention to the flat screen television on the wall, watching the news. I knocked on the door twice with my knuckles and her body jerked up and turned around to look at me.

She swallowed and cleared her throat. "Good morning."

"Morning to you, too." I said politely with a nod. I took a few steps into the room to pull out the chair from underneath the table, and sit down. "So, how's it going?"

"Eh, the news is the same." She mocked the news broadcast in a low fake voice. "Stay in your houses, keep your family safe, don't dare to take a step out into the streets for that there is danger afoot."

I giggled with a grin and she grinned, too. I looked around the room, there really wasn't much in here but a table, four chairs, the television on the wall, a tall white refrigerator leaned up against the wall with about five feet of counter to the right (my right) with a black microwave resting on top.

"You said you liked scary movies and knew a few things off of them. Well, do you think they could be true?" She asked in a little whisper like someone else was in the room, and she didn't want them to hear. But I took a deep breath and exhaled with a shrug and a shake of my head.

"I honestly don't know, because they are just movies, you know, and it might be possible that some of the stories and their plots could relate to what's going on there but. . . I really don't know what it could or could not be."

She shook her head. "So you don't know what this could be? Or a cure that could solve and make all of this go away?" I ran my right hand through the right side of my hair with, once again, another deep breath. I slapped my hand onto my right thigh and looked up at her green eyes. I didn't notice that they were green, they looked black when I had last talked to her. But my response was a shake of my head. Hm, she said looking away.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked leaning forward, cupping my hands together and resting my elbows on my knees. She nodded as she continued to eat her last bit of breakfast. "You know anything about survival? Like guns and safety?"

She smiled once she looked at me and nodded. Nobody talks anymore, I had realized. They just nod or chuckle or just mumble and moan in response.

"My dad taught me everything about medical stuff. In his office, I have this nurse's guide book where it teaches you how to take care of an injury, what to use, and everything. He gave me this old file of patient records and I use to sit in his office all day just going through each file and solving the disease myself. It was sort of like a 'Guess Who?' game or"--she laughed--"'who's that Pokemon?'"

I laughed along with her, her sense of humor was great. She could easily make me laugh or smile; Lexi could never do that.

"How about you? You have any knowledge besides movies?"

Everyone Dies // Magcon Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now