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"The timing of death, like the ending of a story, gives a changed meaning to what preceded it."

~ Mary Catherine Bateson

I dived onto my hotel bed and sighed. The smell of the fresh comforter smelled so, well, fresh. Like Hawaiian Breeze.

"Feels nice to just lay down and relax." Lexi laughed.

"I know right. And I finally actually get to share a room with a girl instead of my smelly brother." I laughed as well.

"Oh my god, I know right!"

"We should get to know each other."

"Yeah!" She agreed.

As we sat there laughing, rolling around on the floors, falling off the beds, and doing reckless things, we got to know each other very well and became great friends.

"We should do something." I suggested.

"We should." Lexi nodded in a agreement. We got up and went out into the hallway after locking the door.

"Where you girls going?" A voice boomed from down the hallway. We turned around it was Brent Rivera, Lexis brother.

"We're gonna go walk around and find something to do." Lexi answered as he walked up to us.

I added. "We're bored."

"You guys can't go down there. Cameron and Chris went down to pay the limousine drivers but were caught by fans. You guys stir up more trouble, the blame goes to us."

"So what are we suppose to do, die of boredom in our hotel room?" Lexi asked annoyingly.

"I'm sure you guys can find something." He smiled cheekily.

Lexi and I groaned as we dragged our feet back to our room. I unlocked the door and Lexi slammed it close once we were both inside.

"I thought we came here to get away from home and have fun and meet the fans. Not trapped even more by the guys and security and not meet the fans." Lexi mumbled, her head being buried into her pillow.

"I know right. But Cameron promised Mom that he wouldn't loose me and he'd keep me out of trouble." I growled.

"Brent made the same promise to our Mom."

"Ugh." We both said in sync.

I grabbed the Tv remote from the night stand that separates mine and Lexis bed, and turned it on.

It's Throwback Thursday on Nickelodeon so iCarly is on.

"I miss this show." I spoke up.

"Same. It's too bad people grow old." Lexi said.

"I wish we could come back to life like in my comics." I grabbed one of The Walking Dead comics and flipped through it. "But, you know, not flesh eaters."

"You like that horror stuff?"

"Yeah I always have. Sense I was like two. Mom never understood it but she couldn't keep me away from it. Never had a nightmare, never been scared."

"Wow, I could never watch a scary movie and not have nightmares. I bet you'd kick ass at slaying zombies though."

I laughed as I kept looking through the comic. "Yeah, I guess. But I didn't know you swore."

"Only when I'm not around Brent."

"Same here, I try not to swear around Cam unless its necessary."

"Yeah. But back to the zombie thing."

"Yeah, you won't know until it happens."

"I don't think that's possible." Lexi shook her head.

"Well I watched this documentary that was made back in two-thousand-eight, where it was proven that a zombie could possibly be created with a mixture of rabies and the flu. Something like that."


"Yeah and something about hypnotics that could make a person act like a zombie."

"Seems so impossible though. A person to just come back to life and have a craving for blood and guts."

"I know right. Be some crazy shit." I laughed. I put the comic down and looked at my friend. "Wanna watch a scary movie tonight, I have some downloaded onto my laptop."

"What do you have?"

"The Night of The Living Dead, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Grudge, Day of The Dead, Pet Cemetery, Thirteen Ghosts, Sharknado, and uhhh. Let's just say a lot more." I laughed.

"I don't think I've met anyone who loves zombies and scary movies like you, Naulie."

"I am the start of the zombie apocalypse mu-hahahaha." I faked my evil laugh.

Lexi giggled. "Brent is so scared of scary movies its hilarious."

"Cameron likes a good scare. We should get revenge. Telling us we can't go down to see fans and hang out, um bitch please."

"You're hilarious, Naulie. I like you."

"Why thank you, Lexi." I laughed. "I like you, too."

Everyone Dies // Magcon Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now