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"While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die."

~ Leonardo da Vinci

Dillon kicked the glass, making it shatter, and rain to the ground. Taylor reached through the giant opening of the door and unlocked the door to the warehouse. The door screeched open and a straight shiny cement white hallway was in our path. Cameron, still handcuffed took a step in and examined the darkness. I took a step in next and looked to my right, flicking on a light switch that lit two bright white rectangular lights on the ceiling. It wasn't a ceiling, it was something you would see in your gymnasium; the skeleton of the ceiling.

Everyone slowly stepped in, and Brent closed the door. We stuck together as a group; I had both of my hands wrapped around my gun and pointed at the ground, while Nash and Carter had the other guns in hand. In my opinion, I didn't trust those fools with a weapon. Especially when they didn't know how to properly use it like I do. We crept closer down the hallway a bit more and I started to get annoyed.

"Come on, guys. Lets not be those lame losers from the horror movies who end up getting killed."

Cameron turned his head to look at me and cocked an eyebrow, but I shrugged; it was true. I leaped a few steps forward and peeked through the window of the front desk, only to see a dead clerk with her head blown in. I gagged and covered my mouth while looking away at the ground. "Clear." I gagged out holding my breathe. It reeked the closer you got to it and the longer I just stood there, trying not to puke. In front of me stood a toaster colored wooden door with a shiny silver handle, with a hand written sign next to it, 'Have front desk ring you in. Thank you.' Nash fiddled with the door handle and banged his shoulder against it. I pulled my shirt over my nose and reached my left hand through the open glass window and pressed the buzzer that would unlock the door. Dad once worked at a front desk just like this when I was young. It was bring your kid to work day and I knew a thing or two by paying attention; I feared that I, too, would end up behind a desk. A quiet buzzing sound went off before a click echoed in the silent hallway.

Nash looked at me and I nodded. He opened the door with a lot of force and grunted as he tried to open the door more. I scrunched my eyebrows and took a step forward to examine what was blocking us from getting in. Junk; junk was blocking us. Somebody must be in here, the door just didn't barricade itself.

"Dillon." I whispered. He liked kicking things, so he was the man for the job. Both him and Nash kicked the door with, I hope, all of their strength. The door flung open with boxes and wood flying back across the cement flooring. Nash raised his gun and stepped in first, then everyone else one by one, me being the last one in to close the door. I walked to the front of the group and stare at the huge storage room in awe. I ran my fingers through my hair and leaned on one leg as I stared uncomfortably at the three employees dangling from the ceiling.

"That's gross." Lexi said in whisper. It was cruel, is what it was. But it was understandable to why they had done this to themselves.

"They opted out." I sighed. Hayes appeared by my side, like he always does, and looked at the bodies.

"Define opted." His voice cracked. It was quiet for awhile as everyone stood there, not knowing what to do. It seemed like this group never knew what to do; it was almost stupid.

"Suicide attempts or accomplishments, Hayes. They committed suicide." I answered. And he responded with a nod as he covered his mouth and stared at the ground in wonder.

"I think we should scope out the area. So we know it's safe." Cameron suggested. Mumbles of agreement bounced around before everyone broke and wandered off into different directions. Hayes followed me, for god knows why, and grabbed a red hatchet that was inside a yellow and black striped box. Self-defense is key in this new world of ours, I just want to know how long it will last.

Everyone Dies // Magcon Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now