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"This life, which had been the tomb of his virtue and of his honour, is but a walking shadow; a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

~ William Shakespeare

The window in the hallway shattered before we could get up close to it. We peered out the hole in the wall and saw that the other half of the hotel was on fire, was gone. The parking lot was swarming with walkers, moaning and groaning. People scattered everywhere, screaming and running for their lives. But sadly only few had escaped while we watched from above, watched them get eaten. I scrunched my face but soon took my attention to the sky where aircraft were zooming around, targeting bombs into the city.

"Brent, I'm scared." Lexi stuttered. I ran my fingers through my scalp, grasping onto my hair nervously.

"They're setting off napalm." I continued to hold onto my hair as I watched walkers shuffle around, on fire. Napalm wouldn't kill them, it'll only set them on fire; but it would most definitely kill us.

"We need to get out of here and find Matthew." Cameron panicked. I nodded as another scream screeched. I thought it was coming from outside--no--it was coming from behind us. The sound of a little girl screaming in pain. Nash ran back to the hotel room and I instantly followed him. Just like I had thought, it was the little girl that Taylor had rescued at the arena.

"Oh my god." Hayes breathed out. I lost my balance and leaned up against Hayes, and he slowly wrapped his arms around me. My ears rang annoyingly as everything seemed to go slow motion. Taylor, Dillion, Cameron, and Carter rushed over to her, collapsing beside her. The ringing continued as my breathing escalated so quickly that I could hear it, and nothing else. I watched as the little girl screamed and arched her back off the floor; the comforter, and Dillion's sweatshirt he had wrapped her leg up in, was completely soaked with dark blood. The boys tried to hold her down as she thrashed and kicked her injured leg in the air. Carters lips moved but nothing came out; the ringing continued, as did my laboured breathing.

I took a deep breathe and her screams pierced my ears.

"Stop moving!" Taylor demanded, but in a cooperative tone. I looked over and saw Chris and Brent holding Lexi as she sobbed into both of their chests. I didn't want to be rude, so I didn't see anything. But I so badly wanted to tell her to stop being a baby and grow up.

"We need to regime. We need to get her to a hospital." Dillion said. The screaming and painful thrashes stopped, her body flopped back down onto the blanket, sweat covered her forehead, and her leg continued to bleed out.

Hayes dropped his arms off of me and took a step forward. "What happened?"

"She must have passed out." Cameron let go of her left arm and looked at her body up and down.

"Dillion is right, we should get her to a doctor." Chris shook his head.

"And forget about Matthew? No way!" Carter said. They continued to argue on who was more important, Matthew or a little girl that we didn't even know.

"Without medical care, she could die!" Taylor debated, while pointing his finger down at the little girl.

"But Matthew could be waiting for us at the arena. He's probably thinking that we're gonna go back for him. He could be there, waiting, scared--or he could be there waiting for someone to eat." Hayes yelled.

"He is not dead. I told you that, I told all of you that." Nash spat. I sighed in annoyance as I listened to them argue back and forth. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, and glanced down at the little girl. Her foot slightly twitched, I scrunched my eyebrows and focused on her body. Was she turning?

"Everyone shut up." I said as I walked over to the girl in shock. I cocked my head and watched her.

"What is it?" Cameron asked.

"Her foot twitched. She could be turning." I looked up at everyone and a shot of anxiety washed over their faces.

"We got to get her to a hospital, now." Taylor said, right before he scooped his arms under her neck and knees to pick her up. Taylor followed Cameron out the door, along with Chris and Nash. I mentally face palmed myself because boys were so stupid. They weren't going to find a car with plenty of fuel to get to I-85 of Atlanta, and they couldn't possibly find the hospital in time without her turning. Not only that but all of us weren't going to fit into one car so we would have to find a second car. Even if we found that second car, it'll be dark before we even get a chance to look for Matthew.

"Stop!" I yelled as I ran out of the room.

"Naulie, we don't have time to stop." Cameron turned around to look at me, as did Taylor and everyone else.

"You don't have a car." I shook my head.

Dillion nodded. "There's the limo. It can hold all of us."

"But you don't know how long that'll last; how much fuel it has."

"Naulie, we don't have to time to think about this all over again." Taylor pleaded.

"guys, I understand you want to save this girl, but I see where Naulie's coming from. In my opinion, I think we should find another car so we cover twice as much as ground. Saving this girl and finding Matthew." Lexi said. I looked at her with a confused look and a cocked eyebrow. I was a bit shocked that she could have a smart idea. Not that I was calling her stupid, I was just surprised and excited that she had decided to join us in our journey.

Brent shook his head no, though. I scoffed and charged back to the room to grab my bag, then follow them down the stairs.

I was a bit angry, but that disappeared once we made it down to the lobby. The National Guard were marching in and shooting down everybody, the gunning a bullet in their heads individually.

"Oh my god." I whimpered silently. I had intentions to make a run for it towards the doors but they might shoot me, they might shoot us all. But they made their way down a hallway.

"Okay, go." Taylor whispered. I stepped off of the last two steps of the stairs and walked towards the people who had just been shot.

"Naulie, what are you doing?" Lexi whisper shouted. I looked closer, and saw that an old man had a gun in his hand. I turned my head to look at her and smirked. I dashed over to him and took it. If there was anything I knew better than dead people, was guns.

Dad left mom when I was born, and that's when Cameron was five-years-old. He gained full custody of me and I never met mom. I was on gun training from the age of seven until I met my mom for the first time. It was around now, last year when I met Cameron and Sierra for the first time.

I clicked the gun open and counted five rounds, then clicked it back in before shoving it between my pants and above my torso, just like I was taught in training.

Lexi and I caught up to the group and we hopped into the limousine. Soon enough, we we're back on a highway towards the city, off to a hospital. I was going to feel so bad if we didn't make it to a hospital, if she turned before we we're even close to the hospital. But I just realized we didn't even know her injury. I don't think we have to know, we pulled her out of a swarm of zombies, it is kind of clear that she was bitten. However, she could of got cut and started bleeding out.

I sat next to Taylor who held this little girl who's name we didn't have knowledge of. I smiled to the sound of her heart still beating, she was still alive. I placed my hand on her head and my smiled faded once I felt the heat her body was radiating. She was burning up like she had a very serious bad fever. I grabbed a napkin from the miniature bar in the front of the limousine, then opened the little cooler to grab some ice cubes. I wrapped them up in the napkin and placed it on her head, hoping it would cool her off.

"How much farther?" Carter asked.

"I don't know." Cameron answered. I knew we were about to walk into a giant walking graveyard.

Everyone Dies // Magcon Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now