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"When your time comes to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home."

~ Tecumseh

"We need a room for her! Please, she's injured badly." Cameron pleaded to the lady at the front desk. She took a look at the little girls wrapped up leg then scooted her seat in more to her desk, facing her computer and pecking her fingers across the keys on her keyboard.

"Was she bit?" the lady, with name tag of Lori, asked.

"We don't know. We saved her during our concert."

"yeah, I know who you guys are. My daughter is a fan of yours. She never came back that day of your concert." She looked down in sorrow, but instantly told us room one-eleven. We put her on a stretcher, and wheeled her to the second floor of the hospital going up in an elevator. Doctors came in along with a nurse and to National Guards behind them. Doctor Lai and doctor Franklin moved her to the hospital bed, where they strapped her down by her ankle and arms. She was instantly hooked up to machines and injected with multiple liquids I had no knowledge of.

"Any background information on this girl, Rachel?" Doctor Franklin asked as he pushed a needle into her wound. I had been correct from before, she was bitten, and it was bad. Gushing blood, you could see the meat that was detached from her bone that was clearly shattered.

"That's gruesome." Carter breathed out with a scrunched face and his mouth hanging wide open.

"Name, Analisa Skip. Age eleven. Parents Joseph and Stephanie Skip." The nurse Rachel read off of a laptop.

"Is there anyway to contact her parents?" Doctor Lai asked in his chinese accent, and she instantly left the room. Analisa Skip: a fan of us viners that paid a lot of money to see us, but is about to slip from the whole world in a matter of the seconds. I felt so bad, I felt responsible for her death, too.

"Temperature of one-hundred-four. She has a high blood pressure, she's losing blood way too fast. She could die in a matter of seconds."

"Well save her!" Taylor demanded. I nodded as a tear slipped from my eye and I breathed through my mouth.

"Temperature one-hundred-eight." Doctor Franklin announced. The noise went off; I didn't want to hear it. The ring in my ear buzzed again, and everything around me seemed to go slower than it was supposed to be. We were pushed out into the hallway and I didn't know why; the nurses lips moved but I didn't hear nothing but my heart, my breathe, the ringing sensation, and the bells of deaths tolling. The door slammed shut and it was done, the ringing was gone.

"What happened?" My voice cracked. Nobody answered but Dillon finally croaked,

"She's gone." A life was lost today, an innocent life, because of this stupid disease I wished would happen. It is my fault, it was my fault everyone was dying, I wanted this to happen. . . but I was just joking, I didn't mean it.

But Analisa's life was no ordinary life: she was family.' Zzt, clear!' erupted from the room. You could hear her dead body flop as they continued to try to save her. They'll see, everyone will see, that there is no stop to this. There was never a way, and there won't be a way, ever. Lexi cried in the background, like, when was she not? But I tried to focus on what the doctors were saying as I watched them scurry around the room through the little right-side up slim rectangle window.

"Give her another dose of Penicillin!" Doctor Franklin shouted as he grabbed another needle, but large. A nurse handed Doctor Lai the tiny jar of liquid, then was handed the needle. He shook his head.

Everyone Dies // Magcon Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now