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"Because I could not stop for death, He kindly stopped for me; The carriage held but just ourselves and immortality."

~Emily Dickinson

I stepped over twigs and pricker bushes as I had both hands wrapped around my gun, aiming down at the ground, finger curled around the trigger guard. Hayes followed behind me with another handgun that was way different than mine. His had more rounds and was loaded different; the design was also very different. His loaded at the bottom in packs, but mine loaded in bullets in little slots on the side.

Everyone was in groups of two sent out to find the walkers that were on the porch last night. Last thing we need is someone in our group getting hurt. We stumbled upon a trail for four wheelers and saw foot prints along them. I looked back at Hayes and he observed what I was looking at. We followed the tracks for about five minutes until my face cringed in disgust.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me." I breathed out as I dropped my aim and spun around with my hands smoothing over my tied up hair. I walked past Hayes as he stared in awe, his mouth hanging wide open. I bent over with my elbows touching my knees, and coughed from the stench. I sniffed as I stood up and looked back at the massacre.

Guts spread out unevenly among the grass and tracks. A stroller, laid stranded in the middle of the scene, as a baby blanket soaked with blood clumped beside it. A gun stranded by a torn carcass, a knife struck into the ground like a fork in the road. A blonde girl, with an ax in her head that kept her nailed to the tree, and another woman, with everything below her torso, missing. She dragged herself across the scenery with guts and her spinal cord following behind.

After staring at it for another couple of seconds, Hayes finally threw up. He then caught the attention of the walker that was feeding. I looked down at him in worry. I patted his back as the walker growled and snarled at us, shuffling towards us with its mouthful of. . . everything.

"Just kill it, and get it over with." Hayes grunted before he wiped his mouth on his shoulder. I nodded at him as I pressed my lips together and scrunched my eyebrows in worry. I felt infuriated as I walked over to the snarling walker. I got so frustrated every time I had an encounter with one of them because it just got so annoying. Killing off the walker, we continued our journey.

We got as far as the bait shop near the interstate and the Johnsons turkey farm, said Kristen. This was our mission. She said that they got overrun so we shouldn't be surprised if we run into a giant group of walkers. Disney and Brent stayed at the farm with Lexi and the others who weren't strong enough to proceed this mission. Broken into other groups was Taylor and Dillon, Chris and Carter, and Cameron by himself.

It was dangerous but it had to be done. Hayes and I walked and walked and walked and walked some more. We didn't find Matt. I threw my gun at the ground and leaned up against a slim tree as my lips quivered and my eyes squinted, pooling up.

"Hey, hey. Naulie, we're going to find him." Hayes cooed. I shook my head at him and sniffed.

"You don't know that." He looked me straight in the eyes and I felt a little more calm. I swear, those blue eyes can manipulate and posses.

"I know that I don't know a hundred percent. But we can hope, now can we?"

I nodded because he was right. I took a deep breath and walked over to get my gun. I a voice that tingled in the back of my mind still tried to peek through, trying to tell me it was my fault that Matthew was missing. But I don't want to believe.

Come on, stop being such a bitch. I shrugged it off and we kept walking until we came to the turkey farm. I raised my gun as we stepped up onto the porch. Hayes pressed his back against the door and I nodded. He jiggled the handle and opened the door, and I was there ready to kill off whatever could be in the house. It looked like there was no one here anyhow.

Everyone Dies // Magcon Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now