Chapter 13

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Have you ever heard, "love you to the moon and back"? That's pretty much what I can describe to you what my sister Elvina did except she hates me to the moon and back.

So, I found my sister. She helped me get cured of my injuries I got when I dived straight into the North Atlantic Ocean. (Ps. I am a swimmer so I didn't drown all of a sudden.)

Recalling what happened back then, gives me current and Goosebumps. I was freezing or blazing I don't know. I don't know what happened after I plummeted. What I remember is well, that everything went dark until I saw a black tunnel and I planned to rest there. Then suddenly some extraordinary- violent-invisible-strong-power swirled all around my body and then I was racing on the world's largest, most horrendous, petrifying, water slide.

I remember my scratching and panting were in a pierced way and I was still wondering why I didn't collapse or died.

Then I yelled, "Jet!" And then I felt a fluffy something wrapped around my eyes and then it all went quiet.

When I woke up, the sky was blue, the trees were a combination of golden and green. Jet was licking my face and wailing. A pretty girl leaped over my face-scanning me with her hazel eyes and her blond hair coming halfway across her face. When she saw my eyes open she screamed but then calmed and served me hot chocolate. I remember pathetically I was flirting with her and I guarantee you I was out of my mind.

Because then she suddenly lifted herself and ran behind trees faraway. I checked myself, Jet was exulting and hooting, and...My bag was gone...bummer. 

I howled, calling for my bag and it went a whole day for me when I was feeling and acting like I was drunk and then I rested upon the shelter of a golden tree with butterflies and bluebirds all around.

When I hopefully and unfortunately opened my eyes again, I was being touched by the point of a large spear held by a girl, this time with brown eyes and hair, and she was dressed in combat dress from head to toe. She was squinting at me and tickling or whatever she was doing with her spear, which made me feel like a squirrel.

I jumped out of my shelter and being out of my senses, I immediately thought that was the hazel-eyed girl though I was able to see her brown eyes wide open at me. And I started doing shitty things until we reached a huge palace in a pumpkin caravan you read about in Cinderella's story.

I was as usual (since my head bumped) toying with Zoe, the brown-haired imagining her Hazel-eyed Charlotte.

The first thing which drifted me towards a new creature with crystal green eyes and black hair like mine was the sentence, "Who is this?" In a raspy and almost hoarse voice.

Do you greet people like this?

Anyways, later I was thrown away in a retreating room where I realized I have badly ripped apart. My upper lip, my cheekbone, my arm, and my thigh, and my stomach. Also, my head which caused me to go out of my senses was all badly wounded. Pretty much all of me. 

My memory was healed and I was covered in bandages all around my body, which the nurses said would help me recover quickly, though when I came back to my senses I healed my thigh, lips, and cheekbone on my own. Though my stomach needed more power to heal for which I needed to store more power, which seemed impossible to me at the moment...

Negligently, I realized I spoke some poignant words when leaving the palace of my half-guaranteed sister, Elvina, which well, hurt or touched her a little. But she did the harsh thing in return. Given the fact, she sent a morphyll and asked for a meet-up. So, Elvina happen to arrange a meeting and we talked, but she said,

"No. I tend to live here. This is my home and I won't leave it just because a fool asks me to."

And after some achy argument, I replied,

"You still sure you don't want to come? I would do anything to fight any monster back who locks you in. You can always come and if you say we can live here. You believe in it or not, but you are my only family, Elvina Jeremy. You belong to me not the lady Nimue. A true warrior finds her way, the way of truth, and fights the rest of the liars. They don't ditch the true people and live with liars or else they are called hypocrites."

That made her anger erupt and she shot an arrow, no, 2 straight at my gut before I could raise mine for defense.

I was so tense, wailing in pain. For the first time, I was crying so badly. I felt like my pain would burst and I'll die with nobody here to comfort me. I felt like Earth shrinking beneath my frail body and my body decomposing just before my goal getting lifted. I cried out for help, I howled for some medications, I yelled for my grandparents, the only family who never abandoned me. I cried for Lucas and Daniel. I cried for Emily. I cried for the hazel-eyed girl and then .... Then I stopped breathing...

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