Chapter 14

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Okay, the above picture may not fulfill the appearance of Charlotte. I can say she looks like her and she loves animals and she wears similia outfits. the girl above has hazel eyes but not blonde hair. Charlotte fits perfectly excluding hair only. Also, Since I promised two chapters last time because chapter 12 was too short. Here you go:

"Jasper, king of healers, controller of medications, a warrior for wounds, Jasper Jeremy indeed what you have found is not a truth that needs to be concealed and hidden." a hard whisper whistled in my tympanic membrane. (eardrum). 

"Open up your eyes. Indeed your wounds are the scars of sacrifice, courage, and admiration." 

 A voice hurled inside me, echoing itself out. "Stitch the past which makes up a clear picture of what you see. O, healer, heal their eyes before they believe the lie."

* * * * * *

"-You forced my eyes open,

                                                                            Mumbling and groaning,

                                                                             I found myself nestling,

                                                                       Into pliable, frisky swallowing-"

* * * * * *

"Jasper? You okay?" a sweet voice called out.

I tried to sit but my body betrayed.

"Keep lying. You need to rest. We'll reach the elves before it gets dark. You can seek their advice. They are nice." A female voice assured me.

"What is happening?" I demanded in a croaked voice.

"Turtles move quickly if you want some food. Hurry." Instead, the female voice ignored me and commanded the turtles. Wait, what?

"Turtles?" I asked.

"Yeah, I chose a turtle ride." She hummed.

"Whoa. Nice 10 turtles beneath me. Don't you have a pumpkin because I assume you don't have cars or an ambulance? Right?" I asked while looking around the 'turtle ride'. Those were green and brown and sand-colored turtles walking smoothly and I was lifted above their shells. I tried to sit again but my stomach twisted, and I perceived my kidneys and lungs going dead. Once again I felt out of breath. My chest hurt. 

I realized I was groaning when the female showed me her face and the turtles stopped dead with now silenced humming.

I let down my frail body to lay down on the turtle's shell which was now hurting me.

"Are you okay? Let me help you drink the milk." said the female voice.

"You are charlotte." I don't know if that was a question or a compliment.

"Yes." She said politely. And helped me gulp down the milk through my dry throat.

"Water, I need water," I said immediately. My lungs were not in a good position.

She zipped open her bag, I could hear. She then opened the cap of a bottle and placed the mouth of the bottle carefully on my mouth while I drank the pure, fresh sweet water. Water drops slipping down my chin.

"Berries and grapes?" she asked gently. Her humming melodic voice whizzed in my ears whenever she spoke. Her voice was different and a mixture of beans, marshmallows, and whistles.

"No, I'm fine I guess," I murmured.

"Okay, let's keep traveling. We'll get you a soft bed first thing when we get to Elves' house. I'll keep my word." She hummed in a berry voice battling against my eardrums.

For the rest of the trip, I kept looking at the sky and wondering the details.

Lastly, a lot happened. 

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