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Shouto goes home for the weekend with more origami paper than he knows what to do with. The most obvious use for them is to practice folding but, for some reason, the thought of doing so alone makes him feel oddly hollow. What's more likely to happen, then, is that the paper will sit on his desk, forgotten until the next time he visits home, sees their neat stack, and has the brief thought to practice folding only to never actually follow through.

As disappointing as that is, at least he won't be throwing it away.

He's still slightly upset with this thought when he gets home, frowning as he shuts and locks the door behind him. "I'm home," he calls, slipping his shoes off and carefully lining them up next to the others by the door.

"We're in the dining room, Shou," Fuyumi replies, her voice sounding light and relaxed enough to mean their father isn't home.

Part of Shouto is relieved, another part anxious for when he does return home, and another part slightly hopeful that their father won't get back until after he's gone to sleep. If he could spend the whole weekend without seeing the man, then he would be happy.

He pauses in the doorway of the dining room, looking over the table cluttered with textbooks, notebooks, worksheets, pens, and highlighters. They're all strewn in a half-circle with Natsuo in the middle, frowning at his laptop as he types, looking between its screen and one of the open books next to him. Fuyumi sits across from him, calmly reading a book.

"Do you have a test?" Shouto asks.

"A lab. Most of my partners bailed on it last minute."

Shouto hums softly and sits down at the table next to Fuyumi. He sets his bag on the floor and idly pulls one of the worksheets closer. Half the words are unrecognizable- long and pointless in the way only medical terms can manage. He pushes it back into place, deciding it's not worth the headache of trying to figure out.

"How's school been, Shou?" Fuyumi asks, marking her page and setting her book down so she can smile warmly at him.

"Fine. Things have calmed down, for now."

When she nods, Shouto feels the sudden urge to say something more. Silences between his siblings never felt awkward to him until recently. He'd heard Asui say interacting with most of their classmates feels a bit like being back home with her siblings, and didn't at all understand what she meant. Their class was loud, chaotic, messy; nothing at all like Fuyumi and Natsuo.

But it made him wonder if that's what they should be like. Isn't laughter supposed to come easier? Angry shouting shouldn't always be the reason for being loud, right? Aren't siblings supposed to have more inside jokes? More teasing? Shouldn't they do more together than sit at a table in silence while one of them frantically tries to finish schoolwork?

He thinks they should, and maybe that's what causes him to say, "Midoriya taught me how to make an origami All Might."

Natsuo's typing suddenly stops. "Yeah? Are you any good at it?" he asks.

"I was told I should practice."

"So, no?"

Shouto thinks for a moment before shrugging. His attempts were a far cry from Midoriya's but they didn't seem abysmal. He opens his bag and pulls out the stack of origami paper, setting it on the table in front of him. "Would you like to learn and practice with me?"

"Seriously?" Natsuo asks, blinking in surprise at the offer. Before Shouto can answer, he gets a grin and closes his laptop, pushing it to the side. "Because I will gladly take a distraction from this shit."

"Natsuo, you shouldn't curse," Fuyumi tells him.

"Aww, c'mon, I'm sure Shouto's heard worse at school."

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